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RE: Roleplay #7


Out of breath from that length of walking, his tongue rolled out in a raspy pant. Wrapping his neck across Kianna's as she embraced each of them. Zorr lowered himself down to sit down to conserve some of his leftover energy. He kept an admiring gaze at his daughter. She was a lovely adult, although, he could never understand why she hadn't spoken much.

"What have you been doing?" Zorr asked, noticing that she was alone. Which was odd, since Kianna seemed glued to Kuro's son at times or seeing that pink wolf bounce around her. He thought about asking Kianna to catch some food for them, but thought against it as he lacked a true appetite anyways.



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Mercutio & Dezera

"My pack. My business." Mercutio snapped at her, growing further frustrated at this. For a moment, he felt the buzz of second guessing himself as his anger started to rise in his blood. His fur started to raise up before he turned his head toward Dezera. 

"Fine. I'll get the information from you." Mercutio shoved Karasu against the wall before veering over to face Dezera. Mercutio rammed his shoulder into Dezera. "Speak, or I'm just going to send my warriors in to ruffle you up until you're smart enough to think." 

Dezera's blank eyes stared in defiance, feeling the Sera alpha's hot breath near her throat. Her ears gave a simple flicker. "F*ck you."

Mercutio's fangs met at the patch of fur below her ear and he yanked her to the ground. He turned and just walked out of the den, not caring if other's saw him exit the den now. He was sure that Kuro and Amari would look bewildered because, no doubt, they heard the commotion.



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Eva O'Glan


The female watched her brother and then lifted her ears to listen to her father. "Oh.." She said, knowing her dad had powers but not realizing she got to have her own too. "Earth." She liked the ring to that. Flicking her ears, she shook her head and Bella flew off of her. "What was that?!" Eva asked, not sure of the strange feeling Bella was doing to her.

"Oh, sorry dear. You just had a bug and- I was just, oh never mind. I was cleaning behind your ears." She gave a beaky smile to Eva who just seemed baffled by this whole thing. She looked over to her brother who had created water.

Life just got serious.

Despite the seriousness, Eva took it all in and leapt off the ground, tackling her brother playfully. "We got abilities!!!" She laughed, turning her heels and running off into the distance, Bella flying shortly after her as she watched her wolf jump with joy and pounce into a few puddles. "This is so cool!" Eva shouted, turning back to stare her brother down, rump in the air.



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Kianna & Catorii

Catorii mimiced Zorrs posture, doing her best to not lean into him too much to support herself. Her chest was burning and she was feeling weaker by the moment, but the fire in her soul kept burning, she wouldn't let go just yet. Her eyes sparkled to see the life in Kianna. She was so young and beautiful, a perfect replica of the Alphas.


Kianna shrugged at her fathers question, turning to show him the butterflies. They seemed to had vanished, to her dismay. Not to worry though, she turned back and just let out a whispered giggle as she always did, flicking her tail as fire made different patterns, coming off her body. "Playing." She said, her words a bit cracked from not speaking in so long. She tilted her head and reached out a paw, inviting her parents to play with her.



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Karasu & Amari


Karasu fell backwards, unable to catch herself as she was slammed into a wall. But her eyes still sparkled as she saw the scene through her own sensories. As the male stomped off from Dezeras harsh words, she let out an obvious laugh and turned her head to the sound if Mercutios steps. Only then did a red blur of lines push into her memory. Was this a red wolf? Wouldn't those lines been thicker? She took it into note, before using her ears to guide her to Dezeras side. "We'll get out of here." She whispered. "Stay strong. I believe in you." Karasu grinned, knowing it wasn't required to say to Dezera, but saying it anyways.



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Erie O'Glan

Water? Erie thought to himself. "You mean, that stuffs comes outta me?" Erie asked, lifting his paw up and inspecting it. As he was tackled, Erie rolled over in the sand. It covered his short blue pelt before he shook himself clean of the debris. He went into the typical playful statue before charging toward Eva, his limber legs taking him far and his large tail balancing him nicely. He finally bounded toward his sister, nipping at her when he could before bouncing off. 


Eziek didn't bother to move, he just pulled Erie's helper closer to himself. There was no way the turtle could keep up with the eager pup. It would be good to have them play, maybe practice their abilities and learn on their own. He just watched over them as any protective parent would. 

Eziek's forked tongue went out to test the air, everything seemed fine around here. He hadn't seen much of the pack around here, so he wasn't as acquainted with them as he should have. The pups being his main job, especially when no wolves seemed to become ill around here. He was sure Miziuki was up and walking about. He couldn't wait to tell her about the pup's new discoveries. 



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The old fire wolf smiled as his daughter spoke, even just a word. She had a beautiful voice, and Zorr would bet if she sang that it would be close to Catorii's voice. He was envious on how bright her flames were, remembering the time when his would burn loudly around him. 

As she offered to have them play, Zorr hesitated. He knew he wouldn't really be able to, much less even catch up to her if he tried. However, it was his daughter and he would do anything for her. So, Zorr struggled to lift himself up on his legs, his heavy arthritic leg would be dragging behind him as it was in deep pain today. 

He tried to shimmy in place, wagging his tail slowly as if warming his body up to start playing with her. 



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The violet wolf collected herself off the floor, cursing words under her breath as she felt her neck swell with blood. It wasn't deep, just a nice bite. If Karasu could see Dezera's look on her face, it would dig deep into her. She didn't need to stay strong; she was strong. 

"Of course we're getting out. Just a matter of a good opening." Dezera grumbled, licking at her chest. It wouldn't be easy, especially since they were surrounded somewhere in the heart of Sera pack.

Mercutio & Kuro

"Mercutio, I didn't see you go in." Kuro stood up straight. He swore he wasn't dozing, it would be obvious not to miss the large alpha approaching. 

"Don't worry about it. They won't budge, you and Amari can try to make them talk tonight. I need to talk with Leonardo." Mercutio walked past the head warrior, feeling the wolf's icy eyes still  held onto him.

The crimson wolf turned to look at Amari. "I'm hoping to do something soon, it's boring just standing gaurd. If I didn't know who is a warrior anymore, I'd make them do this. I've got better things to do than babysit." Kuro complained, smacking at a nearby pebble.



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The female stood from a slumber, her body weaker and frail. She was hungry, and was going to find the boys and Eva, hopefully they had found something to munch on in the meantime. Her bones cracked into place, and she couldn't help but let out a light-hearted laugh, knowing her age was beginning to show more, everyday. 

Lifting her nose into the air, the currently elementless wolf made her way towards Eziek, following his scent as her natural instincts were typically her way of getting around. Passing by the fire family, Mizuki stole their element, using the heat to warm her bones. She nodded to them in a friendly manner, making her way towards the smell of family, and water. 

Sure enough, there was the family, bouncing around and playing. She made her way to Eziek, sitting by his side.

"Have we made friends with a turtle?" Mizuki asked, smiling down at her 'son'.

Eva O'Glan

Eva giggled wildly as her brother came pouncing for her, tumbling at his playful nip. She tripped with a thud and continued to laugh, watching him bound off in the opposite direction. "Oh, oh my. Are you okay my dear?!" Bella flapped in, inspecting Eva carefully. She just laughed and pushed the seagull away, nonchalantly. "Yes Bella, I'm good!" She laughed, bouncing off towards her brother. She noticed a wolf approaching in the distance, and her excitement raised.

"Erie! Erie!" She shouted, racing to catch up to him. "Quick, we gotsa to get 'er!" She said, taking a quick turn and bounding off towards Mizuki, who was approaching Eziek.




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Catorii & Kianna Torrez

Catorii let out a smile as her mate lifted himself, tail wagging. She nodded too. "I have an idea." She suggested, "Kianna, you are such a wonderful, athletic wolf. Let us engage in a round of hide and seek." She smiled. "Why don't you and your father go hide first, and I'll be the seeker?" She smiled.

Kianna bounced around, nodding at her mother in an excited way. She turned to her father, reaching out as if to symbolize she was interested in hiding with him. Oh, but wherever shall they hide? Kianna looked around the meadow, and into the forest. She turned to look back at her father, as her mothers voice began to once again ring in her ears, "One... two... three.."



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Amari & Zumi

Zumi was walking around the forest, he had lost track of Nora and was looking for her. Upon walking he noticed the warriors, blocking a den. Curiosity got the best of him, and he made a point to pass by.

As the alpha emitted from the cave, Amari's head lifted a little higher to show she was alert and ready, but not higher than her leaders. She stood proud, guarding like a victor. At the mumble of Kuros words she bashed into him, "We should never go against orders." She said, learning from the best of course. Although she, too, was tired, she'd never admit to it. She had too much dignity. Her eyes shifted as Zumi came closer.

"You!" Amari shouted, to the male. "You are a hunter, no? We have been on guard all night. I'd expect a meal by now, don't you agree?" Her eyes narrowed into slits, the robotic eye zooming in as if targeting the black and blue male.

The off putting voice was a displeasure to Zumi, noticing Amari and Kuro. "Sure thing, Amari..." Zumi sighed, nodding to her. He turned and made his way towards the forest; surely, there was something there. Their forest was so plentiful, so full of... rabbits. He licked his lips, knowing exactly what to grab.

Amari looked back at Kuro, a grin on her face.



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"This... elemental crisis, casted upon us." Karasu lowered her voice. "It's... it's fading away. I can see colors, only as a blur. That wolf that was in here. He was red. I couldn't make it out, some sort of markings... I can see your purple as well... what do you see?" Although Karasu was unaware of Dezera's colorblindness, she still felt the female would be able to see what she could see, unless her blindness was lifted by something? She squinted her eyes, trying so desperately to see.



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Leonardo & Lupita

"State your business!" Leonardo shouted, once again, eyes glued on his target. He stood on top of her, glaring down into her deep, dark green eyes. His paws on her chest, holding her in his grasp, trying to figure out what she wanted. 

"I won't tell you anything until you tell me where my wolves went." She snarled, reaching up to nip at the male again.

Both wolves had been fighting, for some time. Leonardo's only capability to take on the Alpha, being so he had food in his stomach. "Your wolves? So you're the Alpha. Lupita, is it?" Leonardo knew his Ronoh information, and he wasn't about to let this wolf play mind games with him. His eyes narrowed down, and he allowed his throat to emit a low, annoyed growl. "You're wolves are in our captivity. You couldn't find them if you wanted too, and even if you did, they are guarded by the best warriors in our pack."

Well, that was enough information for Lupita to figure out enough to find the wolves, and she grinned up at the male. "You pathetic Alpha. You know nothing." She then reached up her haunched, kicking Leonardo in the stomach with a high voltage, her energy being pushed through her fur with every might she had. 

"And next time, I'll just kill you." Lupita growled, looking over to the male who was put into so much shock he had passed out by her side. She stood and lifted a paw, slamming down and breaking Leonardo's front leg. Surely that would slow their Alpha down - he was so skinny and scrawny compared to Zorr. She smiled, making her way through the forest, on a search for 'warriors' guarding something....



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Slight pain caused the wolf to squint as he opened his eyes, he gazed around in confusion. He was laying by himself in the medow and things seemed eerily quiet. He stood quickly vertigo hitting him causing him to wobble. He circled looking for sign of wolves but didn't see any. The male shifted into a hawk form and took off soaring over the lads to find Kianna. He didn't find her, however, he saw the alpha Leo laying on the ground and landed wondering if he too had been asleep. As Harle landed he shifted back into his original form and made his way to Leonardo, as he got closer he noticed the alphas leg bent in an odd position and upon rushing over saw that it must be broken. his expression was a passive one but his eyes converted concern as he nudged the alphas neck gently.


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The dragon type wolf had also just awoken it seemed their family had a bad habit falling asleep for long periods of time. She stood groggily blinking slowly, she exited her parents den. She ruffled her wings as she made her way through the Forest, She saw no sight of her father and a slight resentment started to grow and her belly as her family seemed to have vanished. She only ever tried to protect and love them and it seems as if nobody wanted to give her the time of day, she let tendrils of black swirl around her paws as she came to the main part of the pack and noticed her father standing in front of the alphas den, instinctively shadows began pouring out around her as he saw him with Amari the wolf he had seemed to actually have an interest in. Hatred began to boil in her belly a slow burning poison that would get worse with time.


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The pink wolf was busy practicing her hunting skills. She was near Jayce before, but she decided maybe to surprise him with a rabbit or something. Amara, as always, got distracted and ran around practicing her stalking and pouncing skills. She loved being a hunter.

Amara spotted her sister waking up from her deep slumber. Wiggling around, she missed Elle. Amara hushed the air around her, making it still of sound as she placed one large paw in front of the other. Suddenly, Amara ran in silence and leaped at Hellequin, going through the shadows that she was pouring out. 

"Hiya! Whatcha doin'?" Amara asked, breaking the silence and draping half her body across Hellequin's.




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Zorr Torrez

"That's a great idea, sweetie." Zorr smiled, it was be a whole lot easier for all of them to join and not as much effort to play. "I'll see you soon then." Zorr winked before his mate started to count. As Kianna suggested hunkering together, Zorr nodded and brushed past Kianna as quick as he could. It wasn't very fast, but Zorr started to limp away. 

"Alright, Kianna. Where are we gonna fit both of us. You probably know the best hiding spots around." Zorr whispered, watching his daughter. She may be an adult, but he would always see her as the little pup running between his paws. 



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"Fading for you, maybe." Dezera muttered out to Karasu. The wolf never was able to see well in the dark or foggy surroundings, especially since she was colorblind. Made things a whole lot more difficult to distinguish. "Everything is still a blur."

Dezera's ears flickered, causing the earring in her ear to ring. At least she could hear, there was voices outside but they were too low for her to pick up. 

"Karasu, how are we going to get Kodi out. I think he's still unconscious. We won't be able to make a quick get away with his added dead weight." Dezera flung her muzzle in the direction that she believed he was in. He didn't smell of death, so that was a good sign. Must've just hit his head too hard.



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"Wouldn't be going against orders, just improvising." Kuro's eyes twinkled, he always would find the easy way to get out of situations. Then again, he was usually the cause of the situations. Or was that when he was boiling angry at the world. It seemed to calm down as he aged each year, especially upon taking on an apprentice and the head warrior rank. He was still rash with decisions, but with some wisdom came cunning.

As Kuro watched Amari snap at the alpha's cousin, his ears gave a mere flicker. He didn't care or that the Zumi's rank was a smidgen lower than his own. As the black wolf left with a sigh, Kuro looked at Amari. 

"That's why if you show power over wolves, they listen to you. Then again, that wolf is easily emotional from his element."



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Eziek & Erie O'Glan

"Oh, Mizzy, I was just thinking about you." Eziek joked, giving his "mother" a lick on the cheek. "I guess you could say I have. It's more of Erie's. Bet you wouldn't have guess he was a water wolf, eh?" Eziek laughed, looking down to see Miller's head just barely poking out from his shell. He seemed more content being in one place. "You feeling any better? You came down with some cold."

Erie spun around in circles, enjoying this area and nicer weather. He let out a shrill bark before turning to watch as his sister was coming fast toward him. His ears lifted up as he caught attention of what Eva was most excited about. It was Gramma! 

"Oh boy, oh boy! I'm commin' Eva!" Erie chased after his pink sister, his pink tongue hanging out of his smiling mouth. As he finally approached Mizuki, Erie let out a happy whine as he wiggled around the white wolf, his tail smacking into anything in his way. He lifted up onto his back paws to swat at Gramma Mizzy.



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The male lowered his head, his ears.. his eyes. If his warriors wanted food, he would provide it.

He laid in the grass, the wind gently blowing against his fur as his nose wiggled, but nothing else. He sat still, listening into the wind, watching carefully, waiting for the right moment.


The female lifted her ears, tilting her head and rolling her eyes. Another lecture.

"I know, I know..." She said, tilting her head as she looked around. "Hey Dad did you hear that?" She turned, hearing some sort of ruffling off in the distance. She tilted her ears, seeing a pink wolf off in the distance. "Aren't those your offspring...?" She asked, not seeing them for quite some time.

Then she paused. "Wait a second did I just call you dad?" She laughed, a little embaressed. "Um, sorry about that Kuro...." She shook her head and looked up to the sky, and for the first time in forever, thought about Eli.


It had been some time, but the male carried a kill in his jaws. It wasn't the biggest or best of rabbits, but it would do, the seasons were off and it seemed like they were dwindling rather than reproducing, so Zumi was careful about his pick. Rabbit was better than any other small mammal, in his opinion.  "Here you are, Miss Amari and Sir Kuro."

Walking at an easy pace the male conserved his energy, making his way back to the warriors. He dropped the rabbit at their feet, figuring it was plenty to share. He lowered his head, and thanked the rabbit for it's use of energy, and lifted his head as he watched the soul become free from the body after Zumi's prayer, and lift off into the heavens. His star seemed to always shine brighter when a soul was lifted, dancing as though the heavens were thanking him.



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The male mumbled something, blinking heavily as the world seemed twisted and turned, blurred in a way. He felt something press against him and winced. His singed body from the electric shock wasn't doing to well, and the broken limb didn't make anything feel better. His senses were heightened and the pain felt worse than it really was, and after a deep inhale, Leonardo's eyes shot open and he jerked his head upright to see whom was nudging him.

"Harlequin?" He spoke, a whisper. Pain was running down his spine into his leg, and he looked down to see, that yes, it was in bad shape. "She got me good, I'll admit." Leonardo sighed. "What are we to do?" He had a contemplation in his head; call for help, look weak. Stand on it, hurt it more... What was his options? What would Zorr have done?



The female giggled and leapt up off her haunches, following after her father. At his question, she instantly put her nose to the ground, sniffing out a hiding spot as though it was a challenge. Her tail reached out for her father as she made her way towards the edge of Sera's forest. Slinking down behind a bush, Kianna touched it and created a crescent shape with her paws, burning an opening into the thick bush. reaching, she pulled at it until a nice little hole was available. She looked at Zorr, wondering if they both would fit. If not, she would simply hide somewhere else, but she wanted her father to take this good spot. She smiled at him, "You hide here!" She said, her voice dry, as she nodded her head towards the bushes. She was always more talkative around her father.



She smiled as she peeked, watching her love and daughter both wonder off into the distance. turning her head she lowered her body, lifting her paws up and over her eyes as she continued to count aloud.



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The female tilted her ears, also hearing the words Dezera was making out. "Something about improvising against orders, and it seems to be two wolves." She closed her eyes to get a better feel for the noise. "By the wave of their tails and the sounds of their heartbeats, one male, one female. Older male. Oh wait, now theres three. Seems as though the third is... bowing to them.. or something? So the two are an upper rank. Perhaps the Betas?" Karasu shrugged, turning to Dezera who brought up the news on Kodi.

"Leave him." She said, with no empathy. "If he couldn't escape, who are we to help him. He's too weak for Ronoh."


The female was lurking through the Sera lands, being sure to avoid all eye contact she could, which was hard with her bright coat. She had come across a black and blue wolf, who was hunting. Planning on stealing his meal, from pure starvation, Luptia was following him quietly in the distance. She stalked him from afar, but he didn't sit to eat. Instead, he carried the rabbit... so she followed.

Her eyes opened wide and she couldn't help but smile as Zumi led her right to where she wanted to go. Her head tilted at the blue and black wolf once more. Was that Zumi? My, he had grown. Perhaps she could reclaim him and bring him back to his bloodborn pack... She sighed. She was much too weak for that, but did have another trick up her sleeve.

As she made her way around the three, attempting to not be spotted, Lupita found an opening. At an angle, Amari and Kuro had their backs to her, and she was able to use her electricity-enhanced speed to move as fast as the speed of light, making herself invisible to the wolves around her besides the faint noise of her quiet footsteps.

Lupita stopped right behind Karasu, who was talking about leaving Kodi behind.

"Such a cold heart for a potential Alpha, Karasu." Lupita lectured, breathing down Karasu's neck.




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Mizuki & Eva O'Glan

"Oh, my yes. I am feeling much better." Mizuki lied between her teeth. "Not to worry about me." She smiled, her tail wagging as she lifted her ears, that sound, so familiar- whoops!

Mizuki was a man-down as two pups came flying into a tackle-hug for her, she instantly rolled onto her back and spat out fits of laughter, "My, have you two grown!" She smiled, reaching out to hug them both.

Eva had followed her brother and was the higher of the tackle, on top of Mizuki's chest, licking her face all over like a dog who hadn't seen it's owner in months. She hopped off of Gramma and sat down, her tail wagging happily. "We got our elements Gramma! It's so cool!" She smiled, tail wagging happily, faster than ever.

"You need to slow down a bit missy!" Bella came flying in, swooping down to land next to Eva, looking up at Mizuki. "Oh, why, hello, I'm Bella." She smiled at her.

Mizuki looked down at Bella. Then over to Eziek. "Eziek... did your mother ever tell you about Belle?" Mizuki asked, her heart skipping a beat for a moment. "Eva not only looks just like Farah... but has almost the exact helper... with a similar name." Mizuki couldn't believe the irony right now. She looked back at Eva, feeling herself tear up a bit.

Eva just smiled away, not knowing what in the world they were talking about. "So, wanna see my cool element?" Eva asked, not really having a clue on what to do or how to use it, but just wanting to show her Gramma.



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The silent wolf didn't know what to do so he morphed into a bear, he reached toward Leonardo his intent to pick him up and bring him somewhere safe. He made a sound deep in his throat trying to be soothing, he knew that this wasn't an accident and the alpha smelled heavily of static charge and singed fur. The other alpha needed to see him and Leo was in no shape to get there himself.


She was so focused on the pair that Amara tackling her took her by surprise so much that a huge clouds of shadows bloomed across the snow before she looked up her eyes harsh softening as she saw her sister "You scared me Amara.. You shouldn't do that I could have hurt you by accident. " her tone was stern but caring. She stood her long tail flicking softly as she said "I was going to talk to Father but he's busy."


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Darkness clouded her eyes for a little while as her sister sent out surprised shadows, Amara waited it out until she was able to see again. "I've gotten good with giving wolves fright." The pink wolf giggled, wagging her tail at a fierce pace. It was very helpful learning how to use her element to sneak up, she had practice it many times on many single hunts. 

Amara was happy to see her sister, especially worried at times that she'd follow their father's steps in ignoring Amara as if she was adopted. She could never help how she was the odd one of the family, the weaker one as her father put it. 

"I know you wouldn't have hurt me. If you did, I guess it would be my own fault, wouldn't it?" Amara grinned eagerly, nudging into her sister's muscular exterior. Amara's blue eyes turned to look over at where Kuro was with Amari and Zumi. She shrugged, "I'm sure father wouldn't mind, he always seemed to put you over everyone." Surprisingly, there was no disdain or jealousy. Amara had accepted that it was the way Kuro was and she was glad that one of her siblings was getting all the attention from him. It showed that maybe he wasn't as cold as he put out.



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The crimson warrior's ears turned as Amari called him "dad". He felt a lip turn up, mainly cause he didn't want her to think of him as such. There was no terms of such familiarity in his position, she was once his apprentice and now a warrior underneath him. Kuro didn't mention anything to make a scene about it, especially when she apologized for the slip of the tongue. 

The large wolf squinted to see what Amari was pointing out, noticing Amara bouncing about near Hellequin. He couldn't tell if she was annoyed by the wolf or just tolerating her. "Yes, they are." Kuro replied simply, before turning his attention over to Zumi.

"Thank you." He mumbled to the wolf before taking up the rabbit, gorging himself into it's lifeless body.



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Zorr Torrez

Zorr grabbed onto his daughter's tail in his jaws, grasping it lightly as it helped guide him and stabilize him from his legs giving out as they walked into the forest of Sera. As Kianna used her fire ability, he basked in the small heat that it gave off. His body had a hard time making such a nice, stable heat these days from his tiny flames. They seemed to be mostly gray smoke coming from him instead. 

Lowering himself down, Zorr crawled on his stomach to fit into the hole. It was a nice little hideaway, even though he knew that he'd become sore crawling out of it. It was his little girl's spot, and that's where he would hide. Zorr scooted over to the side, trying to see if she could fit in. It looked like a tight fit, so she may had a chance to try and cower in the bush with him. 

"Think you can fit in?" He asked, hoping she might be able to in time before Catorii's count was up.



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It sure was lucky to have Karasu be a sonic wolf, made eavesdropping on the enemy wolves that much easier. "They could, also, be those mangy warriors that attacked us." Dezera put a thought over, just a simple pack knowledge. Who knows where the beta was, but usually they had better things to do than stand guard. She knew that if the roles were switched, no doubt, it would probably be her and Akemi guarding these wolves. 

What she didn't expect was to hear a familiar voice ring in her ears. 

"Lupita?" Dezera whispered out, "Is that really you? How the hell did you manage to get in, let alone find us?" Finally, they would have the advantage to escape this place.



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Lupita & Karasu

Karasu's eyes seemed to light up, despite the inability to see. "Mom?" She said, breathlessly. "Yeah, what she said." She mumbled, suddenly feeling guilty that she had failed her mother, she could feel the tenseness in her voice, Lupita was not happy with them.

"What the hell were you guys thinking? Look at the situation you guys got yourself into. Do you really think either of you have the potential to be a higher rank if you can't even do one simple task for me?" Lupita growled, turning to look over at Kodi. 

"Whats wrong with him?" Lupita asked, reaching out to nudge him. "Oh, whatever. It doesn't matter. I need to figure out how to get you guys out of here, we need a plan. I need to know everything the wolves know about you guys... and what they plan to do..." She looked to Karasu and Dezera, waiting for an explanation. 

Karasu sat down. This was a lot to take in. "The wolves just have been trying to get information out of us, but besides that, we haven't said much." She looked over at Dezera, seeing her blurry figure. "Dezera, do you have any ideas?" She asked, trying to think of a way to bust out. "Maybe a tunnel? Maybe.. maybe..." A war? She couldn't say that. 



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Kianna & Catorii

Kianna nodded to her father, lowering herself and squeezing in besides him. She snuggled up close, still managing to fit between the bushes and her fathers red fur. She pulled the makeshift 'door' towards them, trying to hide them as skillfully as possible, despite their bright red fur. She peeked out through the bushes, giggling quietly as she saw her mother in the distance.

Catorii raised her head, "Thirty." She said, standing slowly and starting to search. The quickest idea she had was to sniff them out, easily... but she felt it was unfair, and didn't try to cheat. Using her old eyes she looked around for some sort of obvious red fur, belonging to either her mates or her daughter. Heading towards the forest, Catorii walked right by the pair, not even noticing them in the bush. Instead she looked behind a tree, and called out, "I'll find you guys! You just wait!"



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Amari & Zumi

The female lowered her ears, feeling the disappointment beam off of Kuro's body. Her bad. Whoops. She looked down at the kill, and waited for Kuro to finish in order for her to feast for herself. It was her idea for the meal.... she sighed, knowing Kuro was higher than her and she had to wait.

Zumi looked around, wondering what they were guarding. "Who's in the cave?" He asked.



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The male just laid there, allowing Harlequin to carry him wherever he intended too. "Thank you.." Leonardo whispered, closing his eyes and feeling the sway of the bear walking in his mind, trying to distract himself from the pain. He heard a familiar giggle, it sounded like his sister, but he was too weak to open his eyes.



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She shook her head and said "It's not worth it.." She turned and said "Have you eaten yet today? I was thinking we could go hunt if you'd like. " her red eyes searched her sisters face "Have you seen mother.."


The male carried him to the first place he could find which was the cave, as they approached he watched Kuro carefully before setting down the alpha and morphing back into himself. He said nothing but pointed his nose in the direction of Leonardo's leg signaling that it was badly hurt, he looked around quickly for the the bigger alpha but didn't see him.


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Gasping for air once he came to the ice wolf opened his eyes, his vision still blurry from whatever happened to him earlier. He coughed a little as he breathed heavily, having no idea what had happened to him. He stretched out his limbs and tried to get up and his limbs were a little wobbly like a brand new deer. Hearing the voices of his pack mates. "Dez, Karasu?" Shaking his head a few times because his vision was bothering him. Then he heard another voice, The alpha female? "Lupita?" He asked as his vision started to go into focus again. "Whoa, how long was I out for?...What's going on?" He asked as he looked around at them, not really remembering all that had happened.


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The Acid wolf had fallen asleep for awhile, it was what he got for going so long without sleep, he stretched out his limbs then getting up out of the grass, shaking out his fur. He looked around and noticed Amara and a winged wolf he had yet to meet yet a few yards from him. He made a big yawn before walking over to them. "Hey again Amara." He said with a dip of his head. Then looked to the other female. "Hey, I'm Jayce...Kinda new here...what's up?" He asked as he looked between the two.


Nora awoken, flowers blooming all around her as she did so, smiling because the spring season always put her in a good mood, no matter what seemed to be going on. She decided to walk around the pack to make sure everyone was good and healthy. When she peered into a cave and saw Leo who seemed to be badly hurt. "Oh, Gods...I-I..Got this...I'll be right back." She said to the wolves that were around before bounding off to where her herb garden grew, quickly grabbing things she thought she needed.


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Dezera tensed up at Lupita's verbal lashing at them. Of course, the alpha was blaming them for getting caught. She flickered her tail in annoyance, but replied with nothing for once except what Lupita asked for.

"They know nothing except that we tried hunting on their lands. They won't say what their going to do to us, as far as I'm concerned, probably more of keeping us here and trying to scare the information out of us." Dezera put blankly. They could try all they wanted, it wasn't going to change her words to them. 

"A tunnel, we aren't Terra wolves, Karasu. The only thing we can do is make a run and fight them off, have a distraction. In our weakened state, the results won't be too good." Then, when Kodi spoke and seemed to mildly panic from his minor coma. 

"Ssh. We've been kidnapped, we're trying to get out of this place." Her ears went back as she heard a sharp voice from outside. 


Kuro growled, mainly to himself, as Zumi was interrupting his meal. His icy eyes watched the wolf, licking the fresh blood off his lips. It wasn't really any of Zumi's business, but he knew the wolf wouldn't leave until he was told. "Ronoh trespassers." Kuro lowered his voice, turning his gaze in that direction. His eyes scanned the darkness, there was some commotion coming from inside, which wasn't a good sign. 

"Hey, if you brutes don't quiet down. I'll come in and do it myself in a second." He snarled into the darkness, seeing the figures. Making a vital error in mistaking Lupita's standing form as Kodi, as it was blocking one of the wolves.

He was distracted from that thought when a large bear approached with Leonardo on his back. "What happened to him?" Kuro growled at his son. How did the alpha break his leg? It was in such an awkward position. 



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"No, I haven't eat---You mean it?!" Amara suddenly jumped conversations as soon as her sister mentioned going on a hunt with her. Her pink tail swung wildly as she let out a quiet howl of happiness, there was nothing more that she would enjoy. "Yes, yes, yes!" Amara beamed at Hellequin. 

Mother? Now that Amara had thought about it. No, she'd hadn't seen mother around for a while. "I just thought she was at home, do you think that she'd want to join our hunt?" Amara asked, always enjoying the presence of her mother. Kuna, after all, taught her the basics of the hunt. 

Hearing the familiar footfalls of Jayce, Amara looked in his direction. She grinned at him, waving with her tail back and forth. "Look who woke up!" She joked, standing up on the tips of her paws. "My sister, Hellequin, and I were going to go on a hunt. Didja want to tag along, it'll be fun!" 



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Zorr Torrez

His heart beat fast as his daughter squished in with him. It was quite a tight fit, but it felt nice to be besides her. She put off a ton of heat, it was like basking in the mid-summer sun. Zorr lowered his head, attempting to make himself look much smaller than he was. He gave a toothy grin as he watched his mate's white paws walk past them, shouting at the forest. 

Mercutio Torrez

The large, black alpha lumbered through the forest in a deep thought. While out there, Mercutio stopped and noticed a small furry animal laying still. Must have been someone's kill left behind. He went to inspect if it was still good to take back for some wolf to eat, Mercutio went closer to it. 

Once he got a good look at it, Mercutio reeled back in shock. It was a wolf. A pup. Looked to be about a few months old. There wasn't any wolves that had given birth, so how did this young wolf get out here. Mercutio sniffed it, the pup was dead for a while. Looked as if it went out of it's den and froze to death. 

He couldn't just leave the pup right there. Mercutio dug a small hole into the ground, lifted the unknown silver pup that was covered in frost and kicked dirt over it's new found grave. Mercutio frowned, he may have not known the pup but it was still a young life that died.

Mercutio stepped over the grave and walked on through his lands, turning his ears as he heard his mother call out up a head. What was she shouting about? Coming closer, Mercutio noticed that she was walking around and searching for something. He hoped that old age hadn't caused her mind to wander.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Mercutio boldly asked, appearing before Catorii. My, she was looking much older than he remembered as a pup. Had he really spent that much time away from her to not notice? Or was this the first time that he was seeing it.



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Eziek & Erie O'Glan

Eziek wryly looked at Mizuki, he wouldn't bring it up with his pups coming this way. She wasn't doing well, he could read her body easily. Her pride must have forgotten that he was an anatomical wolf. 

Erie ran around Mizuki as Eva got to her, he just ran around in circles around her. As his sister sat down, Erie pounced on her from behind, having his front legs wrapped around her shoulders, so he could peer over her to look at Mizzy above him. 

"Yeah, Gramma. Dad says I have water!" Erie exclaimed, his ears fully upright. "Wanna see, wanna see?" He repeated after his sister, trying to butt into the conversation that Gramma started with his father. 

Eziek gave a sad smile over to Mizuki. "Of course, my mother loved Belle. It's quite uncanny that they're identical. I'd like to think that apart of Farah is inside Eva. My mother was a soul wolf, so maybe she's also my daughter's guardian angel." Eziek replied optimistically. 



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Lupita & Karasu

Her eyes darted from one to the other, listening contently to the group. The electric wolf was obviously in a stressed position, and so she figured there was only one choice.

"An ambush." Lupita said. "I will gather our pack. Everyone will attack, regardless. This pack needs to learn a lesson, they won't get away with kidnapping my wolves, I would never stand for that." Lupita looked to the three. "Don't you worry. I'll be back, but I've got some planning to do." She let a growl emit from her throat as she heard the guard shout in at them. Oh how badly she wanted to rip his throat out. But she remained calm, and ran out of the cave at the speed of electricity, making her way back to Ronoh without another word to her packmates.

Karasu listened carefully, looking to Dezera and shifting her ears as she heard Kodi awaken. "We'll get out of here. We just need our sight back, and then we can pretend it still doesn't work, and finally... attack when they don't expect it." She explained. She wished she was a sensibility wolf instead of a sonic wolf, it would be easier for her sight to come back. Repositioning herself, Karasu faced the entrance of the cave, listening in on the commotion outside the door.



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The female lifted her head and smiled as her handsome son came approaching her. "Why, a game of hide and seek, of course. I'm trying to find your father and sister - they are good hiders." Catorii, despite her elderly age and inability to take a step and inhale at the same time, was still managing to search for her family. She leaned into Mercutio, panting although it was cool outside. "Would you like to help me?" She asked, seemingly having a difficult time finding them.


She wriggled closer to her father, giggling as she watched Mercutio approach Catorii in the distance. "She's never going to find us!" Kianna said, smoothly to her father. She could always speak to her father. It was something special about him. She looked over at him, and smiled passionately. Letting out a giggle that sounded similar to Catorii's laugh.



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Zumi & Amari & Mizuki & Eva O'Glan (lol, damn)

Amari flinched backwards as she saw the condition Leonardo's leg was in. That was disgusting! She didn't like it. Looking away, she felt queasy in the stomach. "Um, should I go fetch a healer?" Amari asked.

"No no, I'll go find Nora." Zumi chimed in. It was obvious he wasn't going to find out much more about the captives held in the cave, and he was of no use standing around doing nothing, so he stood and made his way away from the group. He wondered where Nora was. 

Zumi walked along the borders of Sera, heading towards the healing cave. He figured he would find Nora over there. On his way, he noticed a small family that had looked familiar, and stopped by to say hello. Wasn't one of those wolves an anatomical wolf? Zumi listened into their souls, confirming it by his aurora. 

"Excuse me," Zumi said, approaching Mizuki and Eziek, along with the two pups. "I hate to intrude, but our alpha has been injured... you," Zumi looked to the greener hued male. "You are anatomical, correct? Would you be interested in assisting the healer with her herbal remedies? I'm sure she'd love your assistance..." Zumi explained, knowing Nora probably was able to splint and help Leonardo's wound, but was sure Eziek could hurry up the process as well. "They are over near the Alpha's den, if you'd like I can show you the way..." Zumi offered, not exactly giving Eziek room to say no.

Eva giggled as her brother pounced on Mizuki, smiling up at them as she was excited to see her brothers element just as much as she was excited to show off her own. She wriggled her butt around, waiting for an answer from the elderly.

Mizuki smiled and reached around, grabbing Erie and pulling him over into a hug. "I'd love to see it." She exclaimed, looking over to Zumi as he arrived. She nodded to Eziek on his comment, a warm spot in her heart at the thought of it. "Go. I'll watch them." She nodded towards Eziek, giving him permission to get away from his kids for a bit, and have a nice little break. "Enjoy it. Help the Alpha." 

She turned back to Erie, and Eva. "Now, who's to go first?" She asked, laughing as Eva started jumping into the air, raising her paw in an excited manner while chanting, "oh, me me me me me!"



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He listened to Lupita explain what her plan was, every wolf in Ronoh fight? His mind shot to his girl back in Ronoh, Yami. She was no fighter and he was worried that she might get hurt. He was really hoping he would be out of this cave so he could protect her. He missed her and Kali dearly, and was really wishing that this whole thing would just blow over soon so things could go back to normal. He stood there quietly and nodded his head to both Lupita and Karasu.


She caught a glimpse of what looked like a broken leg just a few minuets ago and was gathering things to help the alpha. She ripped at a tree, taking big chunks of bark to use to make a makeshift splint of some sort, it took her a little while because she wasn't the strongest wolf in the pack but she got the job done. Her helper, Sydney the Gecko had gathered up some specific healing herbs and threw them into the leaf pouch that she wore around her neck and shoulder. Then she made her way back towards the alpha's den.


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Zorr Torrez

Zorr gave a toothy grin to his daughter, "I think you're brother distracted her," He said in a hushed voice so it wouldn't be overheard by the others. His tail wagged back and forth, hitting Kianna each time due to their close proximity together. It was nice to listen to his daughter's voice as it was such a rare thing, it sounded like Catorii's, especially that laugh.

Mercutio Torrez

The alpha looked at his mother with an odd glance, it seemed he was older than his age. For a moment, he was wondering why his sister was playing such silly games at her age. Then, he forgot that she didn't have half the responsibilities that he nor his brother had.

He hesitated to help find his father and sister, but he couldn't say "no" to his mother. He pushed a shoulder against her to help stabilize her. "I don't want you to push yourself." Mercutio glanced around and twitched his nose, they'd be easy to find. But it was best to let his mother do most of the work. "Now, let's go find them."



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Eziek & Erie O'Glan

Eziek turned to watch as that friendly fella from earlier had approached. "Hello, Zumi, right?" He asked, trying to be familiar with all the names that he had come across. He was a smart wolf, it was easy to figure out. He just liked to reassure himself, to perfect that he wasn't forgetting something important. 

In the mean time, he was reading the wolf's vitals. High blood pressure, loads of adrenaline flooding through him. He was stressed, that was for sure. Listening in on Zumi's words, Eziek stood up. He knew that to be a helpful member of the pack, he'd need to help out their alpha. Even if he wanted to do nothing more than to spend time with his family. 

"Correct, I'm anatomical. You're alphas appointed me under the healer, so it's the least I can do." Eziek smiled, standing in front of the black wolf. "Just lead the way, still unfamiliar with these lands. I'll have the alpha fixed up faster then when you ran out to get me." Eziek winked, extremely confident in his abilities. He took pride in his element and there was so much to learn from it. 

Erie cuddled up close to Mizuki as he was lifted up by her. He watched with big eyes as a black and blue wolf came by. Father seemed to enjoy the wolf's company around, so he eased besides his grandmother and sister. Noting that his father was going to leave with the wolf, Erie barked a farewell before looking back at Eva. 

"No no no! I wanna go!" Erie protested, flattening his ears back with a 'hrmph'. He curled his tail around him before Miller popped his head from his shell. "Little Erie. Little Eva. Why don't you go at the same time. On the count of three?" The elder turtle suggested, mostly not wanting to have his wolf pout or hear a tantrum start.



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He smirked a bit as his younger wolf companion teased him a little. He enjoyed Amara's company, she reminded him of what his sister was once like when they were little. But that wasn't the case anymore. Last time he had seen his sister, she was changing. He never thought she'd actually change for some Ronoh male. They were once so close and now she was just a distant memory. He had no family, Sera was his new family.  "Yeah, sure that sounds nice." He said, nodding his head. "I could eat a whole heard right about now." He chuckled as he listened to his stomach rumble. 


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Catorii Torrez 

The female nuzzled her way into her sons grasp, allowing him to help her way around the meadow. She looked around, trying to spot anything red. Her eyes were becoming quite a fuzz, but somehow she managed to see the wolves in the bush, off in the distance. "Over there..." Catorii whispered, heading that way. She quickened her pace a bit, the excitement of seeing Zorr rushing through her blood. She made her way towards the bush, seeing two tails sticking out. Catorii reached out, grabbing her mates tail playfully, then Kiannas. "I found you both!" She said, but then lowered herself to the ground.

The excess amount of energy she was producing was a bit too much for her, and she felt her trembling body collapse. Catorii laid on the ground, her head lowered and her eyes immediately closed. But she held a smile on her face. There was no way she'd look weak in front of anyone, especially Kianna.

"My.. it looks like I need a nap.." Catorii mumbled, her words blending together. 



She giggled at her father, nudging into him playfully. "She'll never... find us." She said, her voice still hoarse. She immediately closed her mouth when she lost eye contact with her mother. Where did they go? Meri and her were just there when... ooof! She turned and let out a surprised, but happy yelp as she saw her mother and Mercutio close by. She jumped for joy, but once again, no words came out of her mouth. A smile was thrown to her father, her eyes sparkling until Catorii's fall caught her attention. She immediately rushed to her mothers side, curling up by her as if concerned about her. She looked to her brother, wondering what to do.



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The male was pleased with Eziek's quick response in helping. "Follow me," He said, guiding the male back towards Leonardo. "The healer is also on her way, but the quicker we can help him, the better." Zumi explained, looking over his shoulder to make sure Eziek was still close behind. 



The male looked up at Kuro, and growled. "It was another wolf, from Ronoh. She broke my leg. She was too quick, I don't know where she went. We need to do something about these hostages before more wolves get hurt." He was still delusional from the situation and was quieter than normal. His leg was in tremendous amounts of pain and considering he was a sensibility wolf he was experiencing every little detail he could while dealing with the pain. He looked over as Zumi approached with that one wolf he had met earlier, and he tried to smile but the pain was too much. "Zumi, do you know the whereabouts of the healer?"



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Eva O'Glan

She nodded and smiled at her brother, then at the helper as he suggested they both go together. Eva shrugged and then agreed. "On the count of three!" She said, wriggling her butt up in the air as if preparing herself, looking over at her helper for a quick moment, as if reassuring herself of her element. 

She lifted her head up, opening her mouth as the words "One.... two........ three!" came out, and ehr twirled her tail around a few times, having no idea what she was about to come up with. 

Flowers began blooming around Eva's feet, slowly, but surely. It was a beautiful thing, and they were small flowers, pink and blooming as she spun her tail. Eva looked over at Mizuki, waiting for approval. She was actually impressed with herself, having no idea how she did that, but glad she could!



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