He had been silently watching Bentley and the deer when it was scared off. His eyes narrowed and his fur spiked up with ice at the stranger. His fur did not flatten even when Bentley said that they were busy, this wolf's mask alone made the ice male uncomfortable.
He frowned. "Hey, that was our deer." he said sadly. He had a feeling that this wlf was trying to bully them. "That wasn't very nice, fella'" he said still frowning. He really hoped there would be no fighting, he hated conflict.
He plopped down into the snow with his ears back. "Sorry...my personality sometimes gets in the way of me meeting other wolves." his sadness was sincere because he was kind of telling the truth. "what do you say we try to be friends a hunt together?"
A look of surprise came over the ice wolf, not at Tork but at the fact that he had seen this before. He saw through this act, an apology before a betrayal. The scene of his mate puting an ice shard through his chest played in his mind causing him to freeze up. Unable to tell Bentley that they should stay away.
He was weery of this strange male. He didn't look like the friendly type. He was down right scary. "I-I dunno about that..." Was all Bentley managed to say. He didn't want to be rude but he really didn't want to be friends with the masked Male.
He got up and slowly walked towards Bentley. "Come on, your not scared are you? We just want to be your friend." His voice deepened and warped as he spoke. His eyes were wide, his pupils were now straight lines going vertically on his eyes. The ground was even rumbling a little with each step he took towards the male.
He started to walk backwards as the male came towards him. "We?...W-Who's we?" Bentley asked. He didn't see any wolves of even any helpers around. His feets started to Vibrate, the feeling was to intense and Bentley was more and more frightened.
He stopped and so did the rumbling. "Don't run be scared, dont run away. I mean you harm, We want to play." he rhymed. A big rock spike shot out of the ground in front of Bentley and went towards the part of his chest where the base of his neck is. This red skull was going to taste the death of another wolf with rock being the fangs.
His eyes grew wide as the huge rock came towards him. "N-No!" he shouted as he paniced and started to run the opposite direction. "Rayce!" he cried out to help him. He didn't want to die. Why was this wolf wanting to hurt him? He had never came a across a creature so terrifying and vicious before. Other than the Cougar that had ripped his eye out.
He started run towards Bentley, jumping onto the rock spike he used it to get a big jump. He landed on all fours with a thump in front of the scared male. He brought up his paw and a rock claw raised with it. He did a slashing motion and the large rock claw came to lash at Bentley.
The previously frozen male snapped out of it when his name was called. By the time he got focused he saw some kind of jagged, claw-looking rock formation heading towards his companion. Snow was a form of water, or atleast it turned into water when it touched heat. He rolled in the snow for just a minute and formed more ice around himself.
As the male landed right in front of him his pupils grew wide with fear. Then he was slashed right threw his chest, having a huge gash on his chest now, blood poured out. "Ahhh!" He said as he fell down with the blow. He put his paws over his face. "Please! have Mercy!" he cried out.
He went right up to Bentley and got his masked face real close tot he terrified wolf's. "Mercy you say? Alright, let's play." he opened his jaws and went to grab hold of one of the male's legs. If he was successful he would then tiwst his head in a attempt to snap it then back off a ways. Even if he wasn't successful he would still back off a bit. He would then raise a rock wall as wide as himself and about his height. "If the pain becomes gets too much, be sure to tell me!" five long rock spikes came out of the wall and with a flick of his tail they shot out at the male.
He was trembling now when the scary masked male came so close to his face. He even fintched. He then felt his leg snap. "Gahhhhh!" he cried out in pain. His howls probably very loud. He could hear his heart beat faster and faster. "My god...why are you doing this?" he asked the wolf with sad eyes. He quickly tried to get up and limp away back towards Sera on three legs. He managed to miss one of the spikes, but another sliced the side of his shoulder. He let out another painful howl as he continued to try to get away.
He ran at Tork, hoping it wasn't too late for him to distract the terra male. His aim was to ram into Tork either knocking over or tackle him. Rayce hoped the ice he hardened over himself would help with impact when he made contact "Bentley...run...to pack!" it was the loudest and most emotional thing he had yelled since coming here.
He limped as fast as he could without hurting himself he was sobbing and crying the whole time he was trying to get home. He just didn't understand why him? What did he do to deserve this? Blood was everywhere, leaving a long trail behind him.
"I do what I do because the voices tell me to." he said before he fired two more long spikes at Bentley, trying to aim for spots that would make him bleed out some more. When he was knocked away from where he was standing he lost focus and his rock wall crumbled. He stood and shook the snow off with a growl at Rayce "Everyone has a turn....everyone gets to burn!"
He heard the rumbling of the rocks coming toward him so he fell into some bushes so he wouldn't get hurt by anymore rocks. He laid there for a moment just crying into the bare bushes. He didn't want to move but he wanted to be in the safety of the pack. He looked over and saw that Rayce was handling things so he started to limp back towards Sera again.
Rayce stood watching the male, his fangs bared in a snarl. Ice claws covered his own. He had been in the pack for not very long and he was but a trial member. It was his new home and a new family he had to protect. He jumped at Tork to sink his fangs and claws into the crazy wolf that ruined his first outing with a new pack mate.
The huge wolf barreled though the last of the bloody bushes his eyes lit with anger as he approached the wolf and smashed though one of his rock formations his lips lifted in a magnilent snarl. No words were said as he stalked towards the wolf his hea held high above the short wolf his armor shifting into thickened plates to deflect his petty attacks. Eli was approaching from the side so at the last moment he darted forward to grab Tork by the scruff of his neck and throw him. If he succeeded Tork would be launched toward a nearby tree and slam back first into it.
He took Rayce's on his shoulder and back. He made a rock slab come up then he went to swing Rayce off of him and towards the slab. He didn't get to see whether or not it worked because he was grabbed and thrown into a tree. Luckily, he was still wearing the armor Amari had made for him so it that was ruined but it took most of the impact. He stood slowly, the armor falling off as he did. "A hungry wolf rose from bed, he came into the forest to hunt and wound up dead. Then came a father proud and true, to avenge his friend who he saw black and blue." He started to laugh so hard he had to lean against the tree. He raised a paw to the tree and touched it. "With my teeth I break bone, with my paw I turn to stone." All the bark on the tree became stone which broke and fell off symbolizing Eli's armor.
When he was thrown, all he could do was angle himself to where he wouldn't anything vulnerable and harden the ice in the impact. When he hit the rock slab it still hurt but not as much as it could have so he stood and watched the armor. He didn't know the male's name but he smelled like Sera so he must be here because Bentley made it back.
When he was manovering through the forest he managed to get lost. He still had the dead badger in his mouth. He thought he was on the wrong path to get back to the cave so he decided to make his own short cut by going through some bushes. Little did he know, a large porccupine(sp?) was living in those bushes. She stepped a tad to close to the quilled creature and all of the sudden Tarin felt a sharp pain in his backside. He let out a painful howl and dropped the badger. He looked behind him and his whole backside was covered in painful quils. He sprinted off, with his badger away from that awful thing that just did this to him. "Ow...ow...ow..." he said to himself as he walked painfully trying to find his way back. He made his way through some thick tree's, but just his luck he managed to trip over a large root and he went tumbling out of the foilage and he landed next to the group of wolves where Kenna and Jayce were. "Ouch....That really hurt." He said as he got up. He looked at all the wolves, he felt totally embarrassed. Luckily he had red fur or else everyone would know that he was blushing. "Oh..Hi." He said painfully as he tried to smile. He tried to not show his backside to anyone just so he wouldn't look even more like a fool.
The rock slabs fell and a few hit him causing nothing but a loud noise due to his hard armor. The wolf lunched forward again his razor blade teeth aiming for the wolfs soft throat his huge paw swiping through the air to land on Torks back to crush him down and hold him beneath him "You kill a fellow packmate, you corrupt my daughter this is it." His teeth lashed out again this time aiming for the hard mask to break it off.
He managed to keep his throat safe from the armor wolf. Though he was shorter by a little he, too, was built bulky. He was still standing tall when Eli's paws came down on his back. "We were both hunting. I hunt the most dangerous prey. Your daughter was like that when she found me. I am who I am because of my father, she is how she is because of you!" When teeth touched his mask and while the force of the teeth did not break it off they did make a big crack. His eyes went wide before laughed wildly, quite like a hyena. The ground began to shake as he laughed. "Let me show you how your offspring can turn out with failed parenting!" The ground under them began to crack open just like his mask and then it started to split, he went to shove himself into Eli to try and touch any part of his armor. If he was successful he would turn the armor into stone and make it fall off then he would make sharp rock spikes come up aimed at Eli's sides. Even if he wasn't able to touch Eli he would still send the rock spikes but they would be super hardened rock.
Eziek's tail went into full on swing, his mood lightening up. "It is those youngsters." He exclaimed, following Masika to get a closer look at them. It was hard to believe that they were already this big. He remembered them when they were newborn. He only saw them for a few months before he went on the adventure with his father. Well, this was a surprise.
Eziek was in good spirits with all the coming together of friends. He smiled to himself, surprisingly quiet as everyone was reconnecting with one another. He couldn't do much since Eziek didn't know them as well as Masika or Mizuki did. He sat besides his two, female companions and glanced about. The newer wolf seemed quiet, as if pondering on departing or not. But he snapped back as he heard Masika mention the mountains. "Yes, m'am, we are. Figured it'd be a nice trip up there, just have to watch out for all the snow at this time of season." He added, giving a small wink to them.
As an older fire wolf approuched, Eziek's head snapped in the direction to watch before offering a greeting to him. "Hello," He smiled, never seeing this wolf before. He spoke nothing about the fumble or the fact that he could see the spikes sticking out from behind him. "Do you need assistance in removing those?" Eziek asked, knowing he could easily heal the small spikes with ease.
He listened to the yellow male as he finished up eating the fox, not the best thing he ever ate but it was food "That's pretty selfless. I don't think I could want to do things for others. Don't get me wrong though, I'll help out a fellow wolf who needs it." He took a moment to consider Kestral's first question. He hadn't really paid much attention to Kenna before she left, but he thought it best to just agree with him. "Yeah she's pretty cute." Tempest let out a soft laugh when Kestral asked about him "There isn't really much to tell. I like flying, which is why I crashed in here frozen. Everything looks so different when you see it from the air. Its amazing sometimes. Other than that....I pretty much just like to go with the flow."
The female backed up a bit and pressed herself into Eziek as a fire wolf approached with an awkward attitude. As Eziek pointed out the sharp.. things, sticking out of his rump, Masika couldn't help but let out a giggle, swishing her tail to hold Ezieks in a comforting way as she realised the male was a friend to Kenna and Jayce, and everyone was alright.
Smiling at Eziek, she giggled again and turned back to Tarin. "My name is Masika" She said quietly, introducing herself with a smile.
"Why not? Doing something for others is what keeps me going." He let out a happy giggle, looking around the cave as if in a slightly better mood. His mood seemed to enhance even more as the male admitted Kenna to being cute. "Yes. Cute, adorable, pretty, shocking, and the most beautiful wolf in my world." He said, closing his eyes to picture the female for a moment, before letting out a shivering breath of air. "She sends chills down my spine, and makes my stomach feel like it's going to explode." Kestral turned to smile at Tempest, letting out another breath as if the thought of the female was making him hold his breath.
"Flying?" He repeated, smiling at the male. "That's really neat. I've never tried to fly." He stood, looking up at Kevin. "Kevin can fly though." Turning to look at Tempest, an idea clicked into his mind.
He looked over at the group and noticed that there were two Kenna's. "Wow...I must of hit my head hard...two?" He thought out loud. He then turned his attention to the green wolf with the large fangs. "Huh?" He asked because he was out of it. "Oh..." He said as he looked back at the quils that were stabbed into him moments ago. "Nahhh...I got this." He said as he tried to reach around and pull one out. He winced but he couldn't yank it out of his skin it was much to painful. "I guess...I could use a little help." he admitted with a sigh. He then looked over at the female that also approached him. "Hey, what's up? I'm Tarin." He told her casually. He then noticed Jayce He nodded his head upward. "What's up bro?" He asked the acid wolf.
He was going to continue small talk with Mizuki, When he heard a loud crashing sound along with a thud. He looked around and then saw Tarin with needles stuck in his butt. He couldn't help but snicker. "Hey! look who it is!" He said with excitement as he grinned and nudged his sister playfully. He then approached him. "Haha, What happened to you dude?" He asked with a chuckle. "It's good to see you though." He added as he Embraced the fire wolf.
Akri ~+~ As frozen leaves crunched underfoot, Akri couldn't help but become frustrated. Honestly, at this rate, they'd probably kill Marcus before he even brought Tahlia back. Suddenly, he was eccstatic, and a lop-sided grin appeared on his features. Not feeling the need to sneak anymore, Akri boldly trotted out into the open, not caring if anyone saw or heard him. "Oh Tahlia, I do hope that they haven't killed Marcus yet. No doubt they're holding him hostage." He spoke loudly, his voice carrying through the still air. "Perhaps if you come with me, they won't kill your beloved."
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
She heard Akri's voice carrying out through the forest. She looked at Camilla, "We need to go..." She spoke softly. She didn't have time to bother with the couple anymore. "C'mon..." She told the Terra female. "We should travel underground." She told her as she started to head out of the cave.
mania was standing quietly, waiting. she heard noises outside, and before she could get it out of her mouth, two strange wolves appeared in undertaker's den. she let out a low growl as she felt something cold go straight through her. she quickly turned to find undertaker, but he was gone, she laid her ears back flat against her head, where did he go? she thought to herself, ignoring the female that was speaking, as she finally laid her multicolored eyes back upon undertaker. she followed undertaker as he walked away to sit down, listening to their conversation, she looked over at zero, who the hell are these wolves?do they no have any manners? she sighed staring at the two again. she began to laugh as undertaker began to ramble on, as the female that continued to speak sounded as if she was becoming annoyed with undertaker, she stared at the female, as zero walked over and sat beside her, do it... he whispered, almost laughing, mania stood up, and as undertaker offered her a bone and she made that face she let out another growl, having enough, you walk into his den, interrupt something very important, being rude without being invited in anyways, then you have the audacity to be rude yet again by making that face when he offers you food, and get annoyed because we haven't seen this male you speak of? she scoffed, looking back at undertaker, she watched at the pair left shortly after, and looked back at undertaker, they were a bit rude, huh? she smiled innocently at him.
She decided to slip away from the group. Jayce had other friends to keep him company. Meeting a bunch of wolves all at once was making her uncomfortable. She shifted back to her own form then changed her fur to white and made it thicker for warmth. She yawned. She missed out on some sleep so she would go find some place to sleep.
"The way I've traveled, wolves are just sranger when you meet them. Doing something for random strangers just isn't in my nature." He stretched his wings out when he finished talking, being in caves always made him feel so cramped up. The air wolf raised an eyebrow when Kestral expressed how he felt about Kenna "Why don't you just tell her that? If you really like her you need to step up." He hadn't been in anything serious but he still knew what he was talking. As Kestral asked about being taught to fly, he frowned and looked him over. "Well, it helps to have wings but I guess I can see what I can do." He was an air wolf after all, he could keep himself up in there even without using his wings so surely he could use his element to do something for Kestral.
"Finally..." she said when Tahlia started to leave. Though it was because of the dark male following them she was glad to be away from the nutty ghost and the female who was deranged enough to be with him. She spit on the ground at the entrance to the cave, she sounded like she thought she was too good for the living. When she caught up with Tahlia she looked at the female "What if they do have Marcus? He might have stayed to fight then got captured. Not saying I like the creep but if what he says is true..." She opened up a hole in the ground anyways. It was Tahlia's decision.
She looked over her shoulder as the dark female finally started to talk as she walked off. "Do you have something to say?" She asked Mania in a sassy manor. She then laughed at Camilla's comment. "Marcus would have drained, that one...and then their would have been two ghosts." She told her still looking right at Mania. She was sick of being talked down to and she wasn't going to let a wolf talk to her like that now that she was out of Inferno. "I don't want Akri to catch us." She added.
She laughed with Tahlia, meeting Marcus would really be interesting. As much as she wanted to face up to Akri she couldn't guarantee he wouldn't use some dirty trick to get Tahlia "No use sticking around here then. Let's get going." She said before hopping down into her hole then waiting for Tahlia to come down for closing it up.
Undertaker ~+~ Eyes widening as Mania began her outburst, Undertaker began laughing so hard that he began to choke on his drool. "Amazing! Amazing! Mania, my dear, remind me never to make you cross again! But ah! The look upon thier faces! There be not a price to put on it, my dear!"
After his laughing fit was over, the ghost began to chew on the bone again. "Ah, but I do thank you for chasing them off. I'm afraid that I didn't have the guts to. I just wanted to mess with them. Although I would LOVE to possess one of them and make her tear the throat out of the other." At the last bit, Undertaker's voice begame lower and gruff as Daemon threatened to surface. He was pulled down a nanosecond later.
"Ho my. Did I say something?"
Akri ~+~ When Tahlia did not show herself, Akri gave a low growl. "I can promise your safety, though I cannot guarantee his. You do love him, don't you? Do anything for him, wouldn't you? Or are you just a coward, letting him suffer alone?" He yelled, just a bit louder, attempting to goad her. His nose went down to the ground once again, making sure he had the right scent. Yes, this was the right way.
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Eziek smiled at Tarin, knowing the wolf would probably need help but didn't ask again. When he heard just what he assumed, Eziek quickly stood up and slowly walked over to Tarin. He sniffed at a few of the quills before gingerly letting his forked tongue slip out and grip each one. "You'll feel a small sting, then just relief. I promise." Eziek replied before yanking a few out. Some were stuck in deeper, getting to those after he got the more shallow ones out.
His eyes turned upward and glared at Jayce for a moment as he went ino to embrace Tarin. The movement almost caused a quill to jab into his muzzle. But Eziek gave a soft smile afterward and returned back to his work.
Eziek grabbed the deeper ones with the small of his teeth before yanking them out. His eyes burned into Tarin, as if commanding the small punctures in his skin to close and allow Tarin's own heat burn out the infection that they may have cause.
"Good as new. Don't go running into more porcupines." Eziek teased, stepping back from the fire wolf and seating himself besides Masika once more. He knew that they should probably head up to the mountains soon.
This was the most embarassing and awkward moment of his entire life. His eyes grew wide as he felt the forked tongue tug on the things in his skin. He couldn't believe this was happening right in front of Kenna. "Ow! Gods damnit!" He swore as Eziek tugged on the deeper ones. He was so relieved when he was done and the pain was starting to go away. His rump was still sore of coarse. "Thanks, man." He told Eziek with an awkward smile.
she sat on her haunches, laughing as undertaker began to laugh. as he began complimenting her, she stood up and took a bow, oh, thank you. she teased him, i highly doubt i could ever have a moment like that on you, but their faces was pretty damn funny. as he went back to chewing on his bone he began to thank her for saying something to them, so to her, he was thanking her for being her. there is no need to thank me for that, i really didn't like their tone with you. she eyed the doorway, to me, they were extremely rude, just openly waltzing into your den then disrespecting you. she shook her head, looking back at him, but i must apologize for saying that stuff, since you and daemon were wanting to mess with their heads. she laughed, staring at him as he completely didn't notice that he had said the last part, yeah but no... she smiled, daemon said he wanted to possess one to rip the other's throat out. she smiled, you know... you should let daemon surface more. she began to think of daemon again, then she looked at undertaker in awe, trying to figure out exactly why he didn't let daemon surface more.
Daemon ~+~ "Oh?" Daemon grinned. "And what if I do this?" The ghost laughed for a breif moment before jumping into Tahlia. Should his possession work, she would be his to control. But should she be a tougher internal battler than he thought, which he honestly doubted, he'd just try again.
-- Edited by Shomei on Monday 3rd of December 2012 01:07:41 AM
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
ooc: Lmao. Because he's a sadistic horn-buscuit, that's why. X3
bic: Undertaker ~+~ "Ah, it was no urge that I could not handle. They are both so stupid. The yellow one was more so. Hee hee!" Undertaker gave the air a sharp flick with his tail as if to dismiss her apology. But once she said that Daemon had said something, the ghost abandoned the bone and turned to look at her, eyes wide beneath the curtain of silver fur. "Oh my, did he say that, really? What a brute. I'm sorry, my dear, for his foul language." Then as Mania had the audacity to /suggest/ that he let Daemon out more, he seemed to pale, turn back to his bone, and fiddled with it between his paws.
"Ah, ah, I-I'm afraid that I'm afraid of what he might do. Wheras I might be a more jovial fellow, Daemon is...a problem-child to say the least. He has a tendancy to be sadistic as well as clumsy." /Not to mention he's a whore as well/, Undertaker addes silently.
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
ooc;; oh god, now i feel like an ass. i'm sorry kammi, i didn't see that post. D:
mania growled at the strange female, who the hell is marcus anyways? she thought to herself, looking at zero, she coughed a bit, clearing her throat, i'm sorry sweetheart, perhaps you didn't hear me... she stood up, i said, she raised her voice a bit, why don't you quit being such a rude ass and be polite, since you and that other thing completely disrespected this fine wolf and openly walked into his den, acting like you owned the damn place. she growled again, looking over at undertaker, knowing he was to kind hearted to say anything as rude to them. she didn't care to be rude, she didn't care to tell them how it was. as the rude female made yet another comment, she laughed, let's face it sweetheart, he got tired of your mouth and ran off with some other broad. she turned to look back at undertaker, no need to apologize for him, she laughed a bit, he can't be as blunt as me. you know... come to think of it, if you did let daemon out more, we'd probably get into a lot of trouble, making havoc everywhere. she couldn't help but to stare at where his yellow eyes should be at, she once again lifted her paw to brush his silver hair from his eyes, it's funny... you are so sweet and charming, and daemon is the complete opposite. she began to ponder a bit on zero, how is he clumsy? she looked at him puzzled before looking back at the female.
She turned completely around now. Her teal eyes glaring at this insane shewolf. "Fine wolf?...Are you blind? Or are you just bat **** crazy?" She asked with a snicker. "That thing over there isn't the least bit appealing." She told her. She then turned to Camilla after Mania also insulted her. She was started to get angrier as Mania spoke of Marcus. "You don't even know him!" She shouted as she bared her teeth and electricity ran through her body again as if warning her.
Undertaker ~+~ And as soon as Mania began to insult the stupid female in question, Undertaker just snickered and minded his own businesss. It wasn't as if he had anything to say. Daemon was quelled and he needn't pay any more attention. Or so he thought.
"And you, my dear, are bat-**** ugly."
As soon as those words flew from his mouth, the top hat dissapeared completely. Daemon gave a wild cackle and began to advance on the she-wolf in question. "I would suggest you go back to the dark burlesque house from whence you came. Stop cluttering the air with your spiteful words and GET. THE. HELL. OUT."
Now right by the female, Daemon bent near her ear and whispered, as if a secret.
"Or I'll take you down there myself."
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
mania busted out laughing as the female turned around, shaking her head, mania smiled, no, sweetheart, i'm crazy. she smiled, walking towards the female, actually, fine doesn't just meaning, fine in looks, it can also mean fine as good and nice. she continued to smile, well, from the looks of you, i wouldn't want to meet him, he'd either have to be deaf, blind, or crazier than myself and undertaker put together. she laughed a bit, as she continued forward dark orbs coming out from the shadows that she walked passed, they began to circle around her, she was not going to let this female attempt to insult her. her ears twitched as she heard daemon, she turned to look at him, then back at the female, you poor, poor female, she laughed as daemon began to walk towards her as well, as he began to speak to her she stopped walking and shook her head, you did it now. she laughed as daemon passed by her, being the only thing between her and the female.