So, I had a blast today. Imagine, 5 life guards, 5 tubes, one water slide. All five of us after the pool closed went in the slide, stopped, used the tubes and clogged the slide. Once there was as little air left as possible, we all let go and went bursting out of the slide! SO MUCH FUN. Granted, I was the only girl, but who cares. Oh my god it was awesome we did it for like 3 hours, and we tried climbing up the slide backwards and went down on rafts and stuff, lmao it was awesome. Anywho, one time I was in the beginning of the slide while the boys were behind me clogging, they all let go and I went flying out and they all crushed me and one of them kicked me so hard in the back of the head I blacked out. So now I'm sitting here with ice and a goose egg on the back of my head, but I still wanted to share my awesome story. God I had a blast lol. But now I am extremely tired and don't feel like posting for the voting contest. I ran two miles and worked out in the gym and that slide was a lot of work trying not to slip and especially going up backwards lol, god we are such idiots. But it was awesome. So, do you guys do anything crazy stupid like I did? I wanna hear some funny stories! Or the most fun you had getting hurt, lmao.