So I was thinking since under psychic in the elements board it doesn't say anything on how they can use their element in battle so listen to this idea, similar to Sonic where they can get into their enemies head and confuse them, how about they can get into their head and give them extreme headaches, or into their thoughts and freak them out by talking in their head almost like hearing voices? I don't know, I was thinking of Pokemon, like how the psychic pokemon can give their oponets headaches...
Rival trainer would like to battle! Rival trainer sent out Aeris!
Go! Apollo!
Apollo used Flamethrower!
Aeris used Confusion! It is super effective!
Apollo fainted! next
XD Sorry. I couldn't resist. But I think that for the most part..It all depends on the Psychic wolf. I mean, they don't have to use thier powers anytime soon, or they could read their opponant's minds to figure out what exactly they're going to do, and then do it. Or if they were mean and nasty, cause those headaches like you suggested. So...Psychic isn't really concrete, you know, like fire or air or something like that, you know? It's kinda...Out there...
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Today, Ash and his friends have stumbled upon a forest filled with wild wolf pokemon, however there is a mystery, all the wolf pokemon have different elements...will Ash and his friends be able to work out why this is the case???
This is true, while all elements have their listings of what they can do, as long as you don't go out of boundaries of what they shouldn't do, you creativity can go up and beyond whatever you can think of. Like, for example, the headache thing, or, fire wolves have no listed combat of making a small fire to create smoke and blind their enemy, but that certainly could happen. :)