Birth Month: May Gender: male Element: n/a (Thief) Physical Description: Thick in the body, Hidan is just a roly poly roll of fluff with paws much too large for him. He’s rather cute and cuddly. His eyes are blue and innocent, and his pelt is a mottled brown, tan and white. Personality: Hidan is often a kleptomaniac, taking things that don’t belong to him. He can be a pawful. Hidan is awfully athletic, or tries to be, as his inherited strength and mass makes it hard to run around with, especially when he keeps tripping over his own two paws. He is much like a parrot, repeating everything he hears, especially the swear words. He loves swear words. Despite his rather fluffy appearance, Hidan has a dark streak to him, and likes to cause bodily harm to others. He can take pain as well. History: He was born Helper: Jashin Other information: None, wears a metal necklace with a triangle inside a circle when he gets older.
Helper Name: Jashin Species: Magpie Gender: Male Looks: Sleek black body, white-breast, and feathers Personality: This magpie is rather the OCD ADHD bird. Jashin will literally stop mid-sentence and loudly announce something that he has just seen, i.e., a squirrel. He is obsessed with shiny, glinting, glittery objects, and will do anything to get them-even start a fight. He loves to keep things tidy, and has been known to have a complete melt-down, complete but not including a bitch-fit. But besides the crazy, treasure-loving persona, Jashin does have a bit of a naughty side to him.
Other: Often pecks at shiny things
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.