His smile got smaller but when he turned away from them it faded his tone remained the same despite what he was feeling "You know what they say, the more the merrier. We better get going so we can make to see the stars." Tragen started going forward, with his tail lashing behind him. He promised Anastasie that they would get to the top and he would see to that. The quicker this was over, the quicker Jayce would leave and the quicker this feeling would leave.
"Oh, you." Anastasia smiled, batting a paw in his direction at Jayce. She looked over at Tragen, she didn't see a problem with the green wolf joining. "I have no issues with that." She added, looking upwards as a thick flurry of snow was starting. It was still so new and wonderous to her. "Tragen, do you think we can see the stars still with the snow like that? Do they block them out?" She asked, still a little confused of it. Anastasia caught up to him, he seemed to be moving faster. She brushed against him, "Are you alright, you seem different." She asked concerned.
"Nothing, just a little anxious to get to the top." he replied with a smile, thinking it was a better excuse. He looked up the snow that coming down rapidly "If the clouds are covering the sky then we won't be able to see the stars until they clear. Lets hope we don't gotta wait on that."
He nodded and followed the pair to the top of the mountain, he was on his own now not even the comfort of having his sister or her big boyfriend behind him. He had no idea what was in store for him this moment on. It got colder as they started to reach the top. He shivered as the snow fell on them. As he stepped he left acid foot prints in the snow.
The space princess just simply nodded her head in response over to Tragen, believing the fib that he was telling her. She was pretty niave, so it was pretty easy to convince her differently unless he was lashing out in anger. Anastasia nudged into him, "I'm a space wolf, remember? I can move the clouds along, but that's as far as I can do with the sky." She smiled, feeling proud of herself that she could actually do something for once. For some reason, Space wolves were only able to move the clouds and shape them as opposed to dealing with weather or air.
Anastasia took long strides, glancing back to Jayce. "I know you spoke of not being from Lysunder, then, what brings thou out in this weather?" She asked, remembering him mention the beach. It was far from the beach now.
He gave off a nervous laugh. "Uhhh Well...I ended up in a pack for awhile, but my sister and her boyfriend had gotten kicked out and I felt kind of strange staying there since my only family had left..." he started to explain. "But I thought I'd leave my sister and her two male....friends I guess you could call them. It would have just been awkward...so now I'm here." he told her. "On my own." he added.
Tragen gave a small laugh "That's right I forgot you guys could do that. Guess we've got nothin' to worry about then." He listened to Jayce's story, he heard similar ones before in his travels. But he did the respect the young male for deciding to leave his home to be on his own. That was what is for him too.
"Pack?" She asked quickly, her ears quivered. There must be some hierarchy but she didn't want to get involved with that. Anastasia knew she'd be classified as a less than worthy ranking. Why would she want to lower her standards with that? It was best to avoid them. "Don't fret, it seems you found the company of myself and Tragen now." The space wolf nodded her head before advancing forward up the slope. She glanced around, almost slipping on the slippery surface a few times. How much longer till they were at the top?
"Careful there, Anastasia, it can get slippery when it snows. Wouldn't want to be fallin' around here." the male warned. She had wings but wings didn't work so well in colder climates so if she fell it would most likely be up to him to save her. He would give anything to keep her safe though. He kept walking until the "path" they were on lead to a snow covered pointed and he sat down with a relieved sigh "Well, we're here."
She didn't know how long she'd been out but she awoke to voices that were coming closer. She had climbed up the mountain to see what it was like and maybe take a nice pace away from the water. Karan had used her element to keep her and Sal warm by changing into a polar bear before going to sleep. It had been a nice sleep but it was time to get up. She popped up out of the snow, still a polar bear, with a loud yawn and blinked sleepy eyes at the band of three.
She ****ed her head to the side at the wolf's reaction. Then she remembered she was a polar bear. She looked at the green male and slowly changed into a female version of him and then she got into a defensive state too, sort of moching him.
He was thrown off as the polar bear changed into a girl, that looked a lot like him. Even more so then his sister did. "What?...Whoa." he said in amazement. He had never encountered a shape-shifter before. He wasn't so defensive anymore. "Hey there! That was really cool...I'm Jayce." he said with a smile and puffed out his chest a little bit.
She smiled and kept the form she was in but spoke with her voice "I'm Karan, nice to meet you Jayce." She began moving slightly to wards the male. "Did you come to see the view from here? It's pretty great, the stars a nice too."
"Yeah, I guess so. I ran into there two and that's where they were going so I decided to tag along." he said with a shrug. "It's getting to be colder the farther up we go though." he said with a shiver and he started to walk again but he was still beside the shape-shifter. "Nice to meet you too." he added remembering to be polite like his mother always taught him.
When the bear had show itself, he immediately got in front of Anastasia to defend her. Then when it turned out to be a shape-shifter he stood still for a minute then started walking again. He was on the defensive since he knew what those of his element were like, unpredictable. He looked up at the sky now that they were at the top "Looks like its cloudy after all."
She looked him over while he spoke to size him up. It had been a while since she was in a good tussle. "Its fine once you get used to it." She said referring to the cold. She just walked beside him for a bit before turnign towards him and lunging at Jayce for a tackle.
He laughed as he was tackled to the ground, he was taken off gaurd. "Whoa!" he said with another chuckle. He then raised a brow and Went to hug her and turn her over so that she was in his position. He had ended up to be pretty good fighter for his age. Took after his father.