Hey, guys. It's me again. Listen...I know this may sound a little strange, but I think that I'm going to take a temporary leave of this site. I know I've been here for the longest ((minus Evil, of course)) and it's kinda a bummer, because everyone's so colorful here, but I kinda feel like this site has gotten too big for me, you know? Lots of wolves and stuff and lots of clutter ((not saying that it's a bad thing)) Lent was actually really good, because I realized that I can really simplify my life by cutting down WAY on computer time. I even forgot what sites I used to go to everyday for months.
So I'm really, really sorry, but I think that I'm going to put my wolves into a deep sleep, and maybe they'll wake up from it. Who knows? I may try to jump in for a little bit every once in a while, but I kinda liked my low-stress life during Lent, and I kinda want to return to it...
If there's someone who wants to take good care of them while I'm away, have at it.
I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.
Awww, Benny. You'll be missed, but do whatever you need to do. We'll always be back here whenever you wish to return. And if you ever need any updates on what you missed, I'll gladly help you out, so you don't feel too left out whenever. It'd be nice to see you once in a while, even if it's not to post but just a quick chat or message. :D
Awe, darn! Well, we will really miss you. I do hope you return eventually, same as Evil said, just drop by and say hi. :D I will miss the Hibari/Kali cuteness! Lol. Have a good, stress free life!