Physical Description: He is about 3 1\2 ft. tall, average build, not to skinny with some muscle. His coat is mostly ashy black with a white under belly and some chestnut brown on his paws, tail and face. He has one glass eye that has no vision at all.
Personality: Bentley is an Explorer, He is a very curious wolf, one day his curiosity got the best of him and nearly lost his life when he came upon a large mountain Lion, but luckily he only lost his eye and he was able to escape. His working eye has extemely great vision despite of his element because it has to do the work of two eyes. He loves nature, and appriciates all things. He is very polite and romantic and is never disrespectful. He is definately a lover and not a fighter, he doesn't believe in war . He has been near and far, and has seen a lot of the world, but now he is looking to settle down and find a good home.
History: He is of British English Decent, So he has a bit of an accent and uses odd words. He ventured off by himself when he was only a year old, to see the world, and he never returned home ever since.
Helper: Ralphie
Helper Name: Ralphie
Species: Prairie Dog
Personality: He is very hyper, and talks very fast, He is very happy go-lucky and never has a bad thing to say about anyone.