Birth Month: May Gender: Female Element: Time Physical Description: A pretty white wolf with yellow and grey markings Personality: Bubbly, happy hyper and crazy. Lots of love. A little shy at first. History: was born Helper: Lorri Other information: Was created by rape of Kanji and Yami
Helper Name: Lorri Species: Loris Gender: Female Looks: a fat pudgy slow moving critter Personality: cute and happy, just like Kali, but gets nervous a lot. Other: Eats when she's nervous
well you have to look for em of couse. Like, page by page. Like i searched Loris and found that one on like the 2nd or 3rd page. some breeds, like the wallaby I had to do things like "Wallaby line art" to find the right style of pic i want. its easy but annoying sometimes if your breed is more distinct. :)