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Roleplay #4

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He gave her an agreeing nod and casted a gaze out towards the horizon. "Wonderful night,"He said, noticing a pair not too far off. Seeming as though they looked familiar Tyson squinted a bit to see the very own Alpha dancing with the what seemed like before a fierce protecter. Raising an eyebrow, he somewhat smiled at this site. Feeling a bit more at home, where the wolves could be themselves. He liked that about this Alpha."You really think I'd fit in here?" Tyson said, almost bluntly. He wanted her honest opinion, mostly because deep down he wanted to stay.. he just needed someone else to tell him to stay.

ooc: odd coloring but im bored of Trio and Tyson being the same color heheheh1!!



She let out a sly grin as the helper approached and suddenly passed out without warning.
"Oh, I see."She said, never hearing that term before but figuring it meant what she saw before her eyes. "I'm so sorry, are you tired?" She was definatly a night person, and didn't realise that it was practically morning. "Feel free to sleep, I suppose I deserve my rest aswell."Walking over to Apollo, she spun in a few quick circles by his side before piling herself down in a neat and comfy pose. Her eyes shifted up towards Apollos, as if laying by him would make him feel more comfortable; but really, she wanted to be close. She had never connected with another wolf before, and something in her wanted to know if he were to leave, what he was doing, and also.. what another wolf looked like when they were asleep. Curiosity killed her, but she showed no signs of course.. giving him one last smile before her eyes drifted close, and she exhaled deeply..



Zorr brought his eyes back toward her face. Scanning her face for emotions, but he felt almost mixed with her statement. Why were females so difficult to read? He asked himself. Zorr finally just grinned, almost stupidly and lowered his muzzle to go into a slower sway. One more final dance until it was the morning. He didn't want the night to end, if only he was a time wolf at this moment.

If Zorr wasn't too caught up in the moment, he would've noticed that Tyson and Kuna were close by and had seen him dancing. That he would've flushed and feel awkward for it was strange to him to seem so free as he felt right now.



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She smiled at him, flushed red but unable to be seen through her red pelt. "Zorr," she said quietly in a hushed tone as they danced. "May I ask you a question?" She needed to know, because she didn't quite understand if how she felt was.. alright. Was it wrong of her? She looked into his eyes as he looked to hers, a smile crossing her face as she once again felt that strange light felt feeling in her stomach. Her tail whipped back and fourth, slowing their pace ever so slightly as she wanted to concentrate more on him right now.



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Arching a brow over in the Psychic wolf's direction, Apollo merely smiled at her and chuckled. "Just a little bit." He yawned a bit, then stretched out a little. He was just so cramped from sitting and everything. He gave a slight cough at Aeris cozying up to him, and blushed slightly. Good thing his pelt was so bright. But even still... "Good night, I guess," he murmured quickly before shutting his eyes and trying to ignore the female RIGHT THERE.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Zorr lifted his head up, looking down at Catorii. "Of course, you may," Zorr said, his voice lowered to almost a hushed tone. He felt like a nervous wreak. Why? It was just Catorii and he was alpha, there was no need. His white tipped tail swung back and forth to a content beat. The fire behind her seemed to be dying down slowly as the wood was turning into embers under the sunrise and both fire wolves weren't paying much attention to the fire anylonger.



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Jolting awake from some unknown slumber, the water wolf almost suffocated on the sudden humidity. Wow. That was a quick spring. But she was hoping this summer was more...well. Artemis got up and shook herself, panting heavily. Boy. The heat was killer. Zorr would like it, but she couldn't stand it. And so she moved farther back into the cave where it was much cooler. Sighing as it was still a little too hot for her, a full moon appeared upon her forehead and soon a cool puddle formed beneath her. And it felt enormously good on her fur...


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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She gave him a look as though she could tell him anything, but the words were hard to reach. She even stopped dancing for the slightest moment, loosing herself in her thoughts. Coming back to reality, she shot him another smile and cleared her throat. "Well, I just.." she said, thinking a few things over again. How else could she get this across? "Your a wonderful Alpha, secretly a Fire God, a great leader, strong.. handsome.. brave.." she trailed off, stopping herself from continuing on and on, "but I'm just... Catorii." She gave him a sad smile.

"But you make me feel like.. more than just Catorii, you make me feel like I have a chance to fit in here, like I'm safe and I can actually be someone, other than just a useless bag of nothing like my last tribe," trying to leave out the brutal details, she sighed as she remembered them for only a moment. Eyes matching up to Zorrs, her troubles seemed to vanish once again and she caught herself smiling and flushing red once again.

"Okay.. well.. my question is," she said, trying not to beat around the bush any more, "is it a bad thing that.. I think I really like you? I mean.. someone like me.." she gestured to herself, "liking someone.. like you.." her maw gestured towards him, but then her natural instincts kicked in and she winced backwards, feeling as though she may be swung at for her immature actions. Back at the old trible,, had she even hinted on liking someone of higher authority.. she'd be punished on the spot. Why she still admitted it? She couldn't even answer that.. it just felt...right.



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Zorr stopped swaying to stand still, listening intently as Catorii began to speak. "Thank you, Catorii, but I'm not--" He stopped himself, it was important to remind her again that he wasn't a Fire God. Just a normal wolf, son of Suez. He twitched his nose and held a small-lined smile on his face, as if to encourage her to go on.

"You are somebody," The alpha spoke softly, his eyes unmoving from her gaze. "And you are safe, I would do everything in my power to make sure that happens." Zorr wished he knew of her last tribe, it seemed life there was absolutely horrid and he would've loved to cast revenge on them. However, it wasn't his place nor did he even know of such a tribe. He was just thankful that Catorii wasn't there anymore and belonged here at home, in Sera.

Zorr stood collected, while his insides were in knots as she confessed her feelings toward him. Zorr's eyes seemed to smile at her while a grin formed across his lips. She looked almost nervous now and as she winced, almost as if he would inflict pain upon her. Zorr took a step forward and lifted her chin with the tip of his muzzle. "Don't worry, Someone like me can like someone like you," He said softly. "Because, I really like you, so that's how I know."



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ooc: Lol. Time to bring in some weirdo.

Tongue lagging out, the smallish wolf dashed on. Oh, freedom! It felt so great! And he liked running, so... The white-gold wolf bounded over some fallen logs, tail held high like a banner. The meteor around his neck thumped upon his chest, somehow urging him on. There was a soft ringing from high above, and Kulta swooped over him, large black wings almost touching the tuft of spring-green hair on his head. "Yeah!" He whooped, and ran faster. As luck would have it, there were more trees now, but that was okay. There was a smell of fire a long ways away, and as if on an urge, Lykken zoomed toward it, skidding to a halt before two wolves. His head titled happily, and his left ear flopped over one of his eyes. "Aww! You guys are so cute together!" He exclaimed as if both had been his best friends for as long as he can remember. "Best of luck to the happy couple! Clover?" He wondered, pulling a four-leafed shamrock from somewhere on his pelt and offering it to them. "I just knew I would need this, you know? Intuition." Tail swishing easily behind him, he happily barked as the golden flying fox landed on his shoulder. Nodding as if having a seizure, she made the bell around her neck ring all the more.

-- Edited by Shomei on Thursday 24th of February 2011 02:16:41 PM


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Zorr inhaled, breathing in her scent and another scent that was unfamiliar to him. His alpha instincts kicked in and he recoiled his head back. Noticing a smaller male approuch them and coo. Zorr's red fur already did the job of hiding his flush of embarassment. "Thank you?" He said, in a confused tone of voice. With a sigh, Zorr turned his body around to face the peppy newcomer, taking a few steps forward but kept his tail slightly swishing back and forth, hitting Catorii every once in a while. Zorr knew it was morning now, and that meant alpha duty was back.

"What brings you to Sera?" He asked in a kinder way to the intruding wolf. But, this wolf seemed kind of clueless and kind, so it didn't show any threat. And the night with Catorii lifted his mood.



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"Me? Hm..." The smaller male turned this way, and that, as if lost. "You know, I'm not really sure. I guess I took a wrong, or a right turn, and ended up here." He turned around it circles, as if trying to get his bearings. "Sera? Huh. That's a cool name." There was a moment of pause before Lykken again spoke up, sinking down on his paws and wagging his tail. "Oh! Speaking of names..." He coughed, then straightened up, beginning to shuffle around before actually beginning to dance from side to side. "You adore, you enjoy, you love, I imploy. The first, but not the last part of this tune. The second part is a little bit simple, it's not out, within or between. It sounds like the stuff found on the trees, not the bark, nor the boughs, nor the leaves. I pray you win, this silly old game, now with gusto, please shout out my name."

The bat on his shoulder snorted. "Not all of that rhymed, you know."

The wolf shrugged and stopped in his little dance. "Yes I do."

-- Edited by Shomei on Thursday 24th of February 2011 02:36:23 PM


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Her stomach twisted and she jumped when his muzzle touched her, but then her body felt as though it had melted. She felt warm and her heart seemed to be beating once again, faster than normal as he said he liked her. Before she had a chance to notice the new comer, Catorii felt Zorrs tail hit her and it was almost like a spring. Leaping into the air, Catorii laughed happily as she flung into a solo dance around the charcle remains of the fire. Up on two feet and hopping around, then down on all fours and wriggling with exitement. It wasn't exactly a dance she had learned.. she was just so full of happiness she couldn't contain herself. Humming happily to herself, she even danced around Zorr a few times, laughing as she let her tail bump him back in return. Oh, she was so happy! A God liked her?! But even more Alpha! A real Alpha! And not just any Alpha...Zorr! Zorr liked her! She watched him a few moments as she danced, her smile too big to speak. How could she be so lucky?



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Her ears twitched as he said goodnight but there wasn't a reply as she had already drifted to sleep. Dreaming about the avalanche, Aeris began to twitch and stir a bit as if she was trying to escape the snow packed area. A small whimper let loose from her maw and she stirred even more until her heart was beating so quickly it forced her eyes open. In attempt to come back into reality, Aeris dug her eyes around her den as she told herself mentally that everything was alright. Her eyes caught onto Apollo, who seemed to be asleep.

Making her feel a bit more comfortable that he was still there, she lowered her head as if she were going back to sleep, but her eyes cracked open. Watching him silently, she observed his coat through the morning sunlight. It was a rich color of red, and she liked the color. Admiring his figure a bit, her eyes locked onto his closed ones and she watched him sleep for awhile. Seeing another at peace was almost like a lullaby to her, being a psychic wolf it seemed like lullabys and peace helped her sleep more soothingly. It wasn't long until she drifted back into a light sleep, her tail now resting ontop of Apollos, just so she knew he was there.


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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Zorr stood patiently as Lykken rambled on, assuming it was some type of riddle. Zorr's attention was more focused on Catorii's happy dance in the background. It was adorable. He turned his gaze back to the new wolf, only hearing the end part.

"Oh, um, sorry. I don't know." He muttered, not really up for a riddle. All he wanted to know was who this wolf was and why he was here, not some random riddle. Besides, he didn't really hear majority of it, so he'd rather assume he didn't know it than ask for it to be repeated.



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She found herself slowing down her pace as her tounge lolled out of her mouth. No wonder she always danced at night.. it was hot out! Ending her dance on all fours, she looked over at the new wolf now. Approaching, Catorii found herself sitting next to Zorr. Her tail flicked back and fourth, brushing up against his every so often. She kept quiet though, not wanting to be rude towards her Alpha or the new comer. But she couldn't help but figit. She just had a lot of energy from last night, her excitement probably being the cause of it.



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The newcommer's shoulders fell. "Oh..." Darnit! Why was that riddle always so hard for other to people to guess? "It was because none of it rhymed, huh?" Lykken frowned and stared at his spring-green paws. It was only a few more moments before his natural attitude kicked in. "Don't worry. Here, I'll give you a hint." The white-gold wolf stoof still for a few seconds, and his pelt lit up and began to sparkle in the morning sun. After a while, his pelt fadded again. "Just guess. Try your luck."

-- Edited by Shomei on Friday 25th of February 2011 11:39:18 AM


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Zorr shrugged his shoulders, "I do apologize, but I don't have the faintest clue." The alpha replied simply. "Not sure if the rhyming really matter, just I've never been good with riddles." He said. Even the hint wasn't helping him all that much.



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Her eyes widened as she suddenly remembered she had forgotten to bring Goko dinner. "Oh, silly me," she said, looking at Zorr, "I'm very sorryy to inturrupt Alpha Zorr, but I must be going. Thank you so much for dancing with me.. I had a lot of fun." Her eyes seemed to twinkle from happiness and she reached out to touch her nose to his. She really didn't want to leave, but she knew Goko was probably going to kill her.



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Zorr turned at Catorii's voice. "Very well, then." The alpha stated, "I enjoyed the dance, aswell. I'll see you later, then?" He asked, brushing his muzzle against her cheek as a farewell after they touched noses. His tail swayed back and forth in merriment, not wanting her to leave but knowing she would have to eventually.



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She nodded, "maybe we can meet up again tonight? We don't have to dance.. we can do something you enjoy?" She figured he wouldn't want to dance every night with her, and didn't want to force him into it. Before giving him time to answer, she stood and left with a happy smile, heart pounding from his touch. Why she didn't want him to answer? She feared rejection. It would be easier to just see what happens, rather than make plans. She liked surprises, anyways.

Scurrying off into the forest, Catorii quickly lit her tail on fire. Bugs bugs bugs. They were so stupid. Eventually, the small brained creatures found themselves swaying around the fire, enchanted by the light. Catorii smiled, her mind thinking that theyy too had a fire god and danced for him aswell. Walking back to the den, Catorii smiled as she saw Goko.

"So.. since I didn't bring dinner... here's breakfast!" Catorii smiled, laying down so Goko could reach her tail.

In a grouchy mood, Goko lifted himself and approached the bugs. "Thanks.." he said, wanting to be mad at her..but her eyes just seemed so bright and happy. "You seem like your in a good mood.." Goko said, tounge flicking from his mouth as he catched the bugs one by one.



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"Oh..." He murmured for the second time. I appeared as if his luck didn't work like that. It didn't seem as if you could give it to one person in particular. "That's okay, I guess. I'm Lykken. You know, like, like instead of adore, love, enjoy, you like. Then in instead of out, within, or between, and it sounds like lichen." He shrugged slightly. "It's no big deal. A lot of wolves don't guess, and they just call me Rumplestiltskin." Lykken grinned widely, as if somewhat pleased by that name. "You can call me that too, I suppose. Oh well. I'm not going to steal your first-born or whatever." Turning to leave, the Luck wolf paused for a moment, then as if forgetting something, turned around abruptly. "Oh! You need a consolation prize!" He announced suddenly, and strode up to the Alpha, pelt beginning to glow again. Quick as a cobra, Lykken touched his nose to his and the sparkles dissapeared from him and lingered on Zorr's pelt for a while before also dissapearing. "There! I've made your day incredibly lucky! Now everything you do, do without care, becasue you cannot fail today!" Then, with a hop, skip, and jump, the lucky male bounded away. "Ta-ta!"

-- Edited by Shomei on Friday 25th of February 2011 12:18:29 PM


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Zorr watched the fire wolf go, he would definitly love to see her later tonight. He turned back to Lykken.

Zorr gave off a bright smile as he understood the riddle now, after being explained of it. "Ohhh, I got it now." He announced, "Lykken..." He chuckled and swung his head back and forth in an amused manner. His nose twitched as the wolf touched his own nose and gave him a little luck for the day. "Thank you, Lykken," He called after the wolf before the male bounded away. Such an odd fellow, he was quite nice. He shook his head with a grin once more, leaving him standing all alone once more.



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Midnight orbs slowly opened and the huntress blinked at the morning sun. Even in the back of Zorr's cave, she could not escape it, and so she rose. Artemis sighed once she reached the outside world and the temperatire skyrocketed. Well, as it was still morning, she had better get done what she could before it grew too hot. She trotted to the middle of the packlands and turned her head one way, then the other, as if looking for something before wandering off to find food. She was a hunter, afterall...


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Once her helper was fed and happy, Catorii turned and reached down to touch her nose to his scales. "Ill be back, have some fun and relax today," she smiled and the grouchy lizard agreed reluctantly, he got his food, so why keep her here?

Catorii left the den, her rump swaying too and fro in mere happiness, oh how wonderful her life was these days. She looked around, noticing the head hunter not too far off. Prancing up to her, she smiled. "Hello Artemis, head hunter!" She wagged her tail, obviously in a wonderful mood. "Shall we try hunting again? Where's that other guy?" She looked around, her eye catching Zorr as the luck wolf departed. Why had she left so soon! She could still be with him.. she let out a happy sigh as her eyes continued to wander around the pack, looking for Shinraisei.



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She was just about to take a step when a voice called out to her, and Artemis abruptly stopped, paw in mid-air, and turned to gaze over her shoulder. Oh, it was Catorii. Smiling awkwardly, the huntress pressed her ears flat against her head. "I'm not head hunter yet, Catorii," she gently reminded. For her to be Head Hunter, she would need Zorr's consent, which she didn't have already. Her mood dampened a hint, but that didn't stop her from trying to be enthusiastic. "The...other guy?" She stood confused for a moment before it dawned on her. "Oh! You mean Shinraisei?" Hm...That was odd. Where was he? She gave a curt howl as if calling his name and padded after Catorii.

Though he heard the call, the white wolf was slow to move onto his feet. But he pulled himself up anyway, and had to lean on the wall of his den for help. Spirit was what made his body strong, but lately, he had very little. He would have loved having Atra yell at him, and possibly hate him, as well as Kuro, but this nothing...this silence that he was forced to live in...was unbearable. If he did hunt, there was a large chance that he could hurt or possibly kill himself, and an even bigger chance that the prety would get away. And so Rai settled back down again in his empty nest, but summoned a wind to blow through his ocarina to tell the blue huntress that he could not hunt with her.

Her ears perked as she heard the strange whistle that sounded like a wolf's howl but actually was not. It was Shinraisei, to be sure, but it seemed sadder than usual. Much sadder than usual. Frowning slightly, she trotted faster to brush up against Catorii. "C'mon, he's not comming with us. But we can handle it, right?"


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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She blinked, blankly. "Your not?" She said, rather surprised. "But.. your too good, you need to be! Id vote for you," she paused in mid sentence as the female communicated with the other hunter. As she caught up and brushed against her, Catorii turned in her direction with a smile, "oh, alright then. Yeah.. I suppose we could," this made her a bit nervous, knowing shed have to try really hard to take down a kill this time. "What are we gunna get this time?" She asked curiously, wondering what animal they'd hunt. Her tail wagged happily, a little excited for hunting, but mostly scared to mess up.



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The water wolf chuckled lightly. Oh this wolf was so cute. She could see why Zorr liked her so much. "Thank you, Catorii. I'm sure Zorr is thinking up placements right now." But maybe he wasn't. Artemis gazed around for a bit. What were they going to eat this time? "Well, we'll see once we get there, alright? There may be a moose, elk, deer, whatever. I'm not too sure, but we'll find something, alright?" With a flick of her tail, the silvery huntress was off at a hustled lope, wanting to get there before the sun got to high, but also not wanting to over exert herself.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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She nodded, "more placements! Wow! Cool!" She smiled, "I hope he picks you for a good one then," she said, not caring much of herself. All she needed was to be happy, and she definatly was. "Okay! Oooh, sounds yummy." Her eyes lit up as the pace quickened, this was for real! She hustled into the edge of the territory, glancing at Artemis. "You okay?" She asked, noticing how hot she looked. The heat didn't effect Catorii much, she loved the sun shining on her red pelt. Looking around, she wondered what stirred n the distance, but kept behind Artemis, because even if she wasn't head hunter, she was Catoriis leader in this case.



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Arching a brow at the fire huntress, Artemis couldn't help but let out a dreamy sigh. Oh, it was obvious who she was thinking of. "I hope so too." Before long, she was panting, and had to slow down. "Huh? I'm just a little overheated." But she stopped, and dipped her head, and a puddle of cool water formed at her feet. The huntress hastilly lapped at it, feeling it rush down her throat and cool her off a bit. "Do you want some, too?"


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Zorr turned to walk back across his pack. His ears lifted up as he noticed that both Artemis and Catorii were together, looking like they were hunting. He watched the both of them, feeling a torn in his heart as he would have to pick one over the other. He let out a deep breath, gave a small smile just in case they were looking in his direction before turning and walking to the pack lands. This weather was just...beautiful. Sunny and hot, almost like the sun was getting closer to the Earth. He went over near a tree and laid down, sunning himself with little shade. Zorr turned to look and see his other pack members around, probably hiding in their dens from the heat.



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She frowned, "oh, that's no good. Wish I could help but..." she looked at her own feet as they seemed to smoke a bit from the heat. She returned eye contact with a small smile, her eyes catching the water, "oh, thankyou." She said, reaching over and lapping only a few times, not wanting to take the water her hunting leader needed more. She heard the stirring in the bushes once again, and her eyes darted towards it. "What was that?" She asked, a bit nervously.



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The water wolf shrugged, feeling a little better after the drink. "That's alright. I didn't expect you to do anything. Winter's more my season." Scooping up more of the water with her tongue, it dissapeared as her concentration was broken by Catorii. She had heard the rustling, too. She lifted up her paw and made a motion for 'circle around' and went to circle around the bush, ready for anything.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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She nodded and hudddled next to Artemis, looked around protectivly as she watched into the forest. Hearing an odd clucking noise, her maw dug deeper into the bush, heating herself up as the leaves around it started to burn and disappear so she could see. Looking through her burned hole, she saw a strange looking bird. "Is that a wild turkey?" She asked, not seeing them around very often. They feasted on turkey a lot back in her old tribe, and Catoriis stomach rumbled, oh how sweet it would be to have an entire meal, not just a scrap..



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Well, she couldn't exactly tell what it was as Catorii's face in the way, but the water wolf did what she could, and that meant hearing, too. It sounded like a wild turkey. "Well, get it before it flies away. You have to be fast," Artemis whispered before slinking down and tensed her muscles. That way, she'd be able to run after it if the other hunter couldn't.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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She brought her face out of the bush as the hunter told her to go for it. "Really?" She said, almost shocked, "I-I'm honored," it felt good for someone as skilled as Artemis to give Catorii her own shot in hunting. She debated for awhile, deciding if she could actually get the turkey or not. "Okay..ill try, but no promises.." she said, taking a deep breath as she puffed out her chest, brining her body to the ground as she slithered like a snake towards the turkey.

Moving her tail like a match, she lit the dead leaves next to her on fire, far enough away from Artemis so it wouldn't block her from anything. As the leaves sparked and lit, Catorii made her way to the other side of the turkey. She had a plan.

The plants caught flame and fire rose in the air as Catorii watched it from across the way. The turkey caught sight of it, and instinct kicked in as it started to run the opposite direction; straight for Catorii. Counting in her head, she silently prayed for the gods, and even prayed that Zorr could just give her the luck to catch this turkey, just vthis one time.

Well, her luck prevailed as Catorii lashed up at the turkey, grabbing it when it least expected it. Taking it to the ground, Catorii snarled as she felt the hunting sink into her blood, pulsing as she battled the turkey.

After what seemed like an hour but was only a moment, Catorii stood over her kill. Oddly enough, the turkey was bleeding less than Catorii was herself. But the creature was dead. She howled in happiness, looking around for Artemis, not feeling much of any pain considering the adrenaline was still pumping in her blood. She held three bad wounds though, which were moist with blood over her neck shouldar and ribs. She panted heavily, sitting down for a moment.



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Still watching carefully with her midnight blue eyes, the huntress waited...Waited...Artemis was careful to keep away from the fire, but still kept tense. There was a howl of victory, and she smilled, trotting over to where Catorii waited with her kill. "Nicely done, Catorii." She nodded her head in agreement. "But those look like those hurt," the huntress said, gesturing at the wounds. The female glanced over her shoulder at the still smoldering flames. "Why don't you try a fire bath? Apollo always takes one and it makes him feel better."


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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She nodded, panting heavily as the female spoke. "Okay, I will." She said, taking her advice as she walked over to her fire trap. Stepping in, the cuts burned at first and she winced but eventually it felt more soothing and the bleeding deceased. Catorii stood in the fire until her cuts didn't hurt at all anymore and then burned the flames out and walked back over to Artemis. "You wer e right, that helped a lot." She smiled at her, Catorii really liked Artemis, she was a helpful and smart wolf.



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The water wolf grinned as Catorii's pain was eased by fire, and shrugged. "I told you. It has the same concept of a pheonix. Reborn by fire, and all that." Artemis paused for a moment, examining the turkey. "Fine catch." Hmmm... "I think we should try for another round, what do you say? I'm not sure that bird will cover the pack, you know?"


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Her eyes watched Artemis explain the phoenix, another thing she admired. "I wish it could be that easy," she chuckled, remembering the examples of the bird her friend made out of fire when she was a pup. "Another.. round?" Catorii felt her muscles ache, she had used a lot of energy on that last bird, but.. "alright, should I run this to the pack so Zorr can feast atleast?" She figured he was hungry, considering she was practically starving. "Then we can look for somethin else?" A smile crept on her face, hoping whatever they found next was easy.



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She opened her eyes, drowsy as ever as the sun had begun to shine in them. Somehow, she must had fallen back asleep after looking at Apollo for so long. Standing and shaking, she felt almost sore from the dream. Attempting not to disturb Apollo as he continued to dream on, Aeris took the moment to step outside of the cave and sniff around a bit. You know, not to exactly venture out, but just take a look at things. She had been cooped up in that cave for almost a month now, and just needed some fresh air.

Wind blowing through her coat, she was almost thankful for it as the burning sun shined down upon them. Wasn't exactly winter anymore.. She sat there, and turned to look in her cave for a moment. He was a pretty heavy sleeper, or so it seemed. Something inside her wanted to tackle him and wake him up, but she felt it was best to let him be. With a grin across her face, she watched him for only a moment more, turning away so it wouldn't be awkward when he was to wake up.


| Tyson + Jace | Aeris + Bugsy |  Lupita +Kieve|
| Karasu + Sammy| Kestral + Kevin | Masika O'Glan|
| Medusa + Doku |Caeli + Calvin |Eva O'Glan + Bella |


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She awoke with a drowzy yawn. Syanding and stretching as she looked out her caves entrence. "Summer, already??" Kou felt like it was winter just yesterday. She shook her pelt out. "Comeon Deston, let's go explore." She smiled, walking out of her den as the lemur collorwed her, tail raised high in the air.

With a quick glance around, she didn't see Eli or Bluejay, Zorr seemed to be resting and the new wolves were.. playing or something. Not much for her to do.. she stretched her bones once again, "can't believe it, I feel older," she let out a sigh. "Well, your not exactly two years old," Destons voice chimed in, giving her a smile as Kou nudged him playfully.

Kou approached the Alpha, figuring he was the only one who needed company at the moment. "Hello, sir. Nice weather we're having, no?" She asked, taking a seat. She wanted to ask him a few questions, now seemed a pretty good time, but she wouldn't be rude about it.



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Zorr's head shifted over at the sight of Kou. He gave her a curt nod. "Hello, Kou," He greeted, followed by a wag of his tail. "Yes, lovely weather, indeed. How are things with you?" He asked, realizing then that it had been much too long since they had last talked. She seemed to always be busy around the pack. His helper flew down, perching himself on the tree limb above the wolves. Giving off a quiet caw, Thor settled into place.



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"Oh you know, your everyday routines.." she said, thinking about her past duties. "I think I've collected enough herbs for the war, got a life time supply of poppy seed," she let out a giiggle, her nose wrinkling as she laughed. "Although, its not going to be funny..." she paused, her eyes raising up to look into Zorrs, "Zorr, is the battle going to be soon?" Her disposition seemed to sadden at the thought, and she couldn't help but bite her lower lip in distress.



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Zorr chuckled as Kou giggled. Before he shrugged at the next part. "I would love for the battle to be soon, but I don't think the pack is quite ready just yet. Well, the warriors mostly, I haven't seen them practice fighting. So, I believe it won't be too soon." He admitted, slightly sadden but glad by this. He wanted to show Ronoh who was boss as soon as possible, but he wasn't going to create possible deaths due to not being prepared. Maybe in the next month or so. "But, it seems you've stocked up a nice amount in the event of when it does happen," The alpha said with optimism, never doubting Kou's healing abilities.



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She nodded, somewhat relieved by his answer, but also a bit worried. A month? That wasn't very far away. She tried to look at the best of it, and hoped her friends wouldn't loose their lives. She shifted her paw, drawing circles in the grass as she looked around the packlands. "You know," she said, not wanting to talk about the battle anymore.

"Everyone seems to have a pair.." she said... "aEris is always with Apollo... Tyson with Kuna, Bluejay with or talking about Captain... Shinraisi and Atra.." she let out a sigh. "I was hoping to start a family out here, but I fear my healer job has interfeared with me meeting others," she didn't know where she was going with this anymore, what others were there to even meet?

"I don't know.. I love my job, don't get me wrong.. I just, I think Elis the only one for me, even if I have the feeling he only fell for me because of the whole Atra ordeal," she looked at Zorr, surely he'd have some wise advice, being an Alpha and all. Kou wanted pups, and she didn't exactly want to wait around for the perfect guy... Eli seemed to be the closest to perfect she's found, even if they don't always agree.



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Zorr's ears perked up as Kou brought on another subject. One that seemed to have grown closer to him as of lately. He nodded his head, allowing her to speak. He didn't notice some of the pairs that were occuring right before his eyes. Aeris and Apollo? Bluejay and Captain? He could understand how the job interfered, it was a big job being a healer and all. He held a thoughtful look on his face.

"You just have to listen to your heart. Do you truely love Eli and envision a great life with him? Or do you love him just as a close friend?" He asked with a serious-type tone. He wasn't too good with love advice, never really experiencing it up until now. "It has been a few years since the Atra-incident, I wouldn't believe that he still shares the same feelings for her," He said, assuming this but not truely knowing.



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"Well, honestly I don't love anyone like that. I've never loved, for real." Kou said, pondering deeply before she started talking again. "Elis a very good friend of mine, but I fear the words I say he interprets wrongly, taking them to the heart in a painful way in which I don't intend..." she said, hoping Zorr understood what she meant. "I don't know.. I just feel like there's no one out there for me, and I've just about gone crazy." She did recall one wolf she had a strong liking for, but it was too silly to mention, she barely knew the guy and she didn't want Zorr to think of any rash conclusions. "Do you know what love feels like?" Kou asked Zorr, biting her lower lip once again.



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"If you don't feel it, then I suggest waiting a little while longer. Maybe the right wolf your looking for will come in no time, when you least expect it. But, if you feel like it. You could always give Eli a chance and just, go with it. See where it takes you." The alpha said, glancing at the ground quickly before looking back at her. He hoped that was some advice, but he was unsure still. It seemed like a harder situation to him.

"Love?" Zorr asked, feeling himself grow warm. He was unsure if it was because of uncomfortableness or thinking about it. "I don't think I know, too much on that subject. I haven't felt true love, or well, I don't think I have just yet," He admitted, shyly. "I've heard that it's a great feeling. One that makes you feel butterflies in your stomach and a smile on your face, having the best time together and never wanting it to end. Going to the ends of the earth to make them happy and safe..." He trailed on, almost a dazed look came into his eyes. Was that love? Is that what he was starting to feel towards one? If so, there was one wolf that he felt more than the other.  Oh, what a predicament he was in!

Zorr shook his fur, "That's just what I heard," He repeated, in a lower voice.



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She couldn't help but form a grin across her face as Zorr said this, his eyyes and reactions feeling as though his words were true and honest. "Tell her how you feel," Kou said, a warm smile across her face. She didn't need any information, and she didn't need to pry into his life, but she couldn't help but feel excited for him. "Your right, Zorr. Ill find someone, he'll come into my life one of these days," her eyes shined with hope, glad that she had a down to earth Alpha. She was still grinning though, mostly because of his reaction.



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Zorr smiled, seeing Kou's happiness start to shine once more. He felt his smile form into a thin-lipped line. "I should and I want to..." He trailed on, turning his head out into the distance where both the female hunters were at earlier, now gone from that place. "However, two females share feelings for me. I, too, hold feelings for them but I think I'm developing more for another. I just--" He paused, as if the thought was making it hard to speak, "Don't want one getting hurt or resenting the other, especially over me." It was odd to speak in such a way, especially asking for advice on personal life. He hardly even did that to Thor.

"When you do find someone, I'm sure it'll be wonderful. You deserve the best, Kou." He said, honestly. She was an overall beautiful wolf that would make any male lucky to have.



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She beamed at his compliment, taking a moment before being able to speak, it had been forever since someone spoke to her like that, almost building up some confidence. "Thankyou, Zorr.." she said, thinking over his situation for a moment.

"Well, being an Alpha i'd expect even more than just those two females admire you," she said, following Zorrs gaze but it only led to the forest. Why had he looked over there? Surely the females didn't leave... she pondered it for a moment.

"Well, I wish I could do more than say follow your heart, but you've obviously got more experience than myself. Either way.. such as Atras case, choose the direction in which you won't regret. I'm sure she picked Shinraisei for a reason, no?" Her eyes shifted back to Zorr. "Um.. hmm, don't rush anything I guess. But don't take too long either, if they're both falling for you each day they're just going to like you even more," Kous ears lowered to her head, "I must sound silly. Forgive me if that's irrational. I'm just taking guesses here..." she didn't want to make her Alpha get even more confused in his decision because of her.



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