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Roleplay #2

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(Wanted to start a new board before the first one got too large to remember what page you left off on. This is a copy of the last post of the board, since the other wolves of Sera aren't really doing anything except Maybelle and Zorr with their chat.)


Zorr gave a breif nod, he had expected that there would be few breedings happening this season. "I agree, especially since no wolf has been claimed as far as I know of." He said, tilting his head to the side and wondering if there was a couple that was keeping it a secret. The alpha pushed it out of his mind, knowing his pack members would be too thrilled and brag about it. Then again, the couple would have to ask him permission about bringing pups into the world before they do the act.

Zorr shifted his weight around as he sat in a more comfortable position. "The pack is still young and with the last part of the season, I'm sure all that have searched for love have found it and claimed new land for their own family pack. So, I doubt we'll see much newcomers arriving to Sera lands." He added on, wondering how his brother's pack was doing. Last he heard, there was few members and he had noticed that their territory wasn't strong with border markers. "At least Sera is thriving right now and peaceful, despite small amounts of bickering, makes me happy enough." He said, a small smile forming at the edges of his lips.

At Maybelle's thought, he turned his head to look at toward the dense part of the forest on his territory. "I don't mind the coolness of the fall season, but I do enjoy the leaves." He mused before his eyes lit up, "I would love to take a trip to Pheonix forest in the Autumn...My mother took me there when I was a little pup, I remember the colors. It was always beautiful as if the forest was always lit up like it was on fire." Zorr's ears flickered, almost as if he could remember his carefree days of puphood.



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Maybelle:// "The world needs anger. The world often continues to allow evil because it isn't angry enough."

Maybelle nodded in agreement with his words. "It's rather early anyway. Ah would be surprised if the members were so ready to have pups. Give it next year and Ah'm sure there'll be a population boom." she said with a slight laugh. "It is thrivin' well for a pack that just started over. You've gone and done real well for yourself, Zorr." she complimented with a grin, peering out over the landscape. Sera was a nice place, she was glad she had settled down here. The terrain was open, and it let her have free reign to practice her shifting without worrying about squeezng into some tight forest or along rocks.

"Maybe you should take that trip when the time comes. You deserve it." she said with a grin and a nod. She thought everyone should have a chance to explore old memories. Especially when they held such a stressful job, like Zorr did. The poor wolf would probably be in the mood for a nice break when the time came along. And why wouldn't he deserve it?


♀ Marmalade Versais || 4.1y || Hidden || Vixpar
♂ Tythar Dalyn || 3y || Light || Lyerly
♀ Leah Hael || 2.3y || Air || Palindrome
♀ Gweneira Bryne || 3y || Ice || Isolde

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He paced along the trees waiting for Atra to call them. He knew her choice...Rai not him. He sighed and he tryed to keep his anger from flaring.


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As the moon steadily rose higher in the sky, the dark she-wolf slowly made her way back to her home territory. Her eyes had given up on the fight against her power, and reluctantly had turned to a dark obsidian. She smiled against the blackness that had overcome her body, the only white was her teeth and it was concealed by the swarming shadows the curled around the contours of Atra's body. She was running swiftly, fueled by the power the night gave her. Above all though, Atra felt the need to kill. Not only had she not had her share of the meat the hunters found today, but she had the bloodlust on her. Atra's nose fell to the ground as a scent filled her nostils. The creature was small, but it was something to sooth her craving.

She followed her nose and stomach fiercly, her hunger escalating as she did so. Eventually she have the animal, a medium-sized rabbit, resting around it's home in the ground. The wolf bourne of the dark crept up, unseen, into tall nearby grasses. And she waited patiently for the right moment to strike. Letting her shadows conceal her, the she-wolf finally saw her perfect opening. She lept out of the grass, silent as the shadows around her and ten times as deadly. She landed on the helpless animal and broke it's neck all in one motion, and then bite harshly into it's tender flesh. Blood poured from the bite into Atra''s mouth, and she clamped down harder, injecting poison into the animal's bloodstream. The creature stopped it's seizing motion and finally was still, allowing the dark wolf to enjoy her meal in silence. When she was finished, she licked her bloody lips and tossed the remaining carcass into the brush for scavengers.

The dark wolf rose then, and her eyes flashed red for just a moment as she remembered why she was traveling this way. She sighed, for now that her craving for death and gore was temporarily eased, she could allow herself to think of Eli and Shinraisei. But first Zorr, she thought wearily, for he would want to hear news of Banshee.

Atra flew across the ground with distance-eating speed and soon found herself on the edges of Sera. She paused for just a moment, wavering in her decision, before pounding forward with even more speed then before. She caught Zorr's scent in the wind, but because she did not want either Eli or Shinraisei knowing of her return, she pressed on silently. She followed her alpha's scent to one of the many hills in the area, where she also spotted the she-wolf Maybelle who had asked for Zorr earlier. She walked up slowly, dispersing her shadows so she could be seen, and stopped a small way away from the pair as to give them some privacy.

"I have news," was all she said, watching the alpha.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr felt pride run through his veins as Maybelle complimented him. He felt the slight flush of red that was well hidden under his firey colored fur. He nodded his head, knowing the leaves would change next month and be the perfect time to veiw the landscape that was nearby his territory. "And, maybe, you might like to join me on the trip. I'd need some company for it wouldn't be the same traveling alone through a silent, yet beautiful place." Zorr said with a half-curved smile.

His smile immediatly faded as a new female's voice was heard, Atra's. She had returned and he would love to hear these news. Zorr eyes turned back into serious gaze that looked of red-hot flints. He turned around and gave a dip of his head to Atra, "That is great," He started in his usual low voice. "I see you have returned," He added on, glad that she had returned and was away from Banshee.

Getting up on his stiff legs, Zorr gave a long dip of his head to Maybelle. "Sorry to cut our conversation short, but I must attend to my pack right now. You should go along the Sera border, make sure that Banshee didn't decide to follow back. Also, if you see any wolves on the Ronoh-Sera border, feel free to spy especially if they are Ronoh members." He said in a hushed voice at the shape-shifter.

With those final words, he padded down and over to Atra. He brushed past the black wolf, indicating for her to follow. Making his way to his den, he ducked as he went through the low entrence and sat down, awaiting Atra and her news.



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Atra followed the fire alpha eagerly, ready to tell him what she may. She hoped he would be proud of her in a way, so that at least her efforts to contain herself would be rewarded. She sat down in the cave of Zorr facing him, her black eyes unreadable but patient.

"I discovered Banshee in loner terriory, in a forest that was half-dead. He was with a female, a time wolf named...Calique if i remember correctly." She paused to gather her thoughts and then continued, "I approached him with my offer, for him not to attack Eli, and origionally he refused me quite harshly. After some...convincing," she smiled at the thought of when she jumped on him and then their small intimate moment, "he chaned his mind. I doubt his promise is valid, but it was the best i could do. I hope he will keep his promise though," she sighed sadly and looked up to her alpha. "But i made it a point to get here before dark so i did not..loose myself. I have done the best i could," she said. She looked up at Zorr with her dark eyes.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr's eyes glinted as Atra said that Banshee was convinced to promise that Eli's life will be spared on his end. He didn't reveal any suspicions that he held of how Atra convinced him since Zorr knew their history. "Then we have a 50-50 chance." He said simply, "You must agree that it's better than before. There is not much I can do now," He replied, knowing a dark wolf's promise was usually a lie.

Zorr nodded his head in a greatful manner, "Ah, yes," He said, peering outside, "Although it is a tad dark out and has gotten darker with the rain. I am delighted that you have returned." He said. "Now, when shall you go tell the males your answer?" He asked, his firey tail waving back and forth.

Thor let out a caw before flying into the den. He let an annoyed squack and shuffled his sodden wings down. Thankful he got here in time before he would fall from the sky from the weight of the water.



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Atra nodded sadly."I should tell them now. They deserve an answer after my abscense, and I am ready to supply them with one." She felt power in her choice, possibly from the dark, or the male she chose, or both. Looking around, the dark wolf wondered where her own helper was, but didn't think much of it because of the rain. Jace tended to hide in trees when rain started to fall.

"And if Eli goes to Banshee and dies, I will personally destroy that dark wolf," she growled, her eyes fierce and cunning. If it came to it, Atra's rage would definately give her the upper hand in battle. She stood then, craning her neck as not to bang her head on the ceiling of the cave, and looked to Zorr.

"Should we go to them or call them to us?" she wondered, and mentally questioned herself for assuming Zorr would join her. "That is, if you care to join me," she added, staring at the bright fur of the alpha.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Rai's head tilted up with the falling of the rain. He shook his pelt uncomfortably, making sure to cover his helper with a wing. Toshiro didn't like the rain; it made his feathers heavy and made him look like a mess. Rai felt it somewhat soothing, almost like tears from the sky. He loved the way the trees whispered as the tears fell on thier leaves, the feeling that they were alive, and had thier own language. The white wolf also loved the smell after a rain. It was a clean scent, a scent that made you feel alive and clensed.

Shinraisei lifted his head, standing up, letting the water clean his dirty pelt. His long white fur clung to his body, revealing his sickly looking body shape.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Zorr felt his fur grow warm as the rain was falling causing a coolness to spread across his territory. "I have to agree, they need this answer for it has been quite a while. They are probably getting antsy waiting for you." He commented in his low voice. His tail swung powerfully across his ankles. He gave a sideways glance at Atra, "And I hope you would kill him if he ever did step foot in this territory, aswell." He said to the warrior.

Zorr scrunched up the middle of his forehead, knowing that he would have to make the warriors practice their fighting techniques soon. It would be after this, he presummed. He stood silent, weighing down which would be the best desicion. "I think this is for you to do alone," He said slowly, "I don't want to create more tension being around, and if one shall weep, I'd think they wouldn't want to be embarassed." He said. Mentally, Zorr knew he would laugh if they were to cry over a female.

"Although, send me a great howl if you are in danger or need me, and I shall gladly arrive on scene." the alpha offered, dipping his head to Atra. Standing at the mouth of the cave, he turned his head to Atra. A sharp lightining peirced the sky followed by the rumble of thunder, it made Zorr's fur stand on end slightly before resettling down.



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ooc: Jeez, Evil! Slow down on the posts....Jeez...I'm never gonna make it to eight hundred! T.T

bic: Shinraisei
Shinraisei's wet fur stood on end as the thunder rolled and the lightning flashed. A tingle ran down his spine, charging his system. His head raised and tilted upwards at the sky. His wings raised by themselves, as if he was under a spell. To fly amidst the hurling winds, dodge the lightning, hear the mighty thunder booming... Another thunderclap made his heart jolt, slightly bringing him to the present. Rai had always wanted to soar in a storm, the more powerful, the better.

His three wings beat slowly, rusty from not being used. The scars in his torn pinions tingled and ached. The pumps increased, slowly pulling away from the ground.

"Rai! What are you doing!?" Toshiro screeched, snapping at his wolf's white tail. Shinraisei yelped and came to his senses, ceasing the wingbeats and settling down again. He shook his head, freeing it from the trance he'd been in and turned his head to his helper. A pink tongue shot out and licked the snowy owl.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Atra nodded to Zorr her thanks. "I will do so if it is needed. But I am indeed a warrior, and so I believe I will be able to handle what happens." she said. With that, the she-wolf of the night bowed politely to her alpha and turned from the cave. The rain splatted against her pelt as she walked, and Atra enjoyed the feel of the cool water. She had always enjoyed the rain, and never minded being a bit wet.

She made her way, ever so slowly, to the spot where she had left the males before. It seemed like so much time had passed, even though it had only been a few hours. She was invisible against the dark surroundings and the rain, and Atra stayed quiet so Eli and Rai would not know of her presence until she wished it so. Dark shadows followed her in her advance, and eventually her pace stopped, causing the swirls of black to puddle at her feet.

The she-wolf looked up, to both males in turn, and allowed them to see her. She cleared away some of the shadows and stared at them through her matted fur. She said nothing, only waited. For what, she did not know, but still the wolf bourne of darkness remained silent.

((btw please ignore the other post. my computer was being stupid so it doesnt have my name on it :/))

-- Edited by Chela on Thursday 24th of December 2009 04:33:34 PM


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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He looked at Atra. He knew her choice but he disk want to attack Rai but he would need to run so he didn't.


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Atra caught Eli's gaze and held it, her red eyes shining. She stared at him through the black hair hanging in her face and through the pouring rain. She refused to look away. He was sad, she could see that, and he thought he knew her decision. She smiled deviously, saying nothing. The rain fell in hard drops, causing Atra's dampened wings to wilt. The dark she-wolf looked like a mess in the rainstorm, highly contrasting her usual clean and poised manner.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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He watched her gaze towering over her and Rai water running off of him clinking as it pelted against the metal.


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"Will you continue to say nothing?"
she wondered, looking back and forth between the males. Shadows curled meanacingly at her feet, strengthening her words so they would carry to the two males. Her eyes flashed black for a moment-the only sign of her uncertainty. She shook herself harshly, trying to ride herself of a bit of the moisture that was weighting down her wings.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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He met her gaze again and said "We aren't the ones that need to speak you are." his eyes flicked to Rai and he growled.


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Rai could feel a pair of eyes burrowing into him, making him feel slightly uncomfortable. His body shifted a little bit, his silky fine fur and owl-soft feathers matted to every square inch of him. What he needed was to dry off, but that could wait. His head swung in the direction of Atra, every inch of his body waiting for her final answer.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Atra chuckled at Eli. "Alas, if it was only that easy. I think i'll give both of you the chance to tell me why you think your best for me. Then I will decide. I think it's only fair that you get a chance to plead your case, no?" she said, smiling pleasantly. She averted her gaze from Eli to Rai and back again, wondering what they would say. Despite her talk with Zorr, Atra's mind was still willing to be swayed by either wolf. 

She started to shiver lighly then, for the rain was penetrating the deepest layers of her fur and causing her to be slighly colder than usual. Atra simply moved her shadows to conceal her for a moment, which gave her the power to not feel the cold. Her eyes flashed black with energy, and then once she was finished returned to red.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Rai's ears pricked up, and his heart sank. He didn't want to go first, but Eli wasn't going to say anything anytime soon. This was going to be tough, but Toshiro would help him. He nudged the owl gently, licking down the tuft of feathers that always stook up no matter what happened. The white wolf would have gulped, except he couldn't because of the fresh scar. He loosened his hold upon his body, flowing into the connection he held with his helper, pouring a little of his soul inside his owl.

Slowly, Toshiro's eyes shifted from amber yellow to a light sapphire as his wolf took over. His white head swiveled to Atra, gasping at the sight of her. She was the most magnificent thing he had ever seen, even at her worst in the rain. Rai would have smiled, except that it was hard with a beak.

"Atra." he shivered as he said her name. It enchanted him, but also made him feel inferior. Who was he to say her name? It was so beautiful, that no mortal tongue should be able to speak it. "Atra. I am not the best choice for you. Old scars have made me weak, and I could not protect you from harm. I'm blind, and mute, and could not console you with words if you were unhappy, nor see your tears to tell.

"But, I will hang on your every word like it was worth more than gold. I will be there if you need me, not when you don't. I will sing to you in the night, to lull you asleep by music. My body may not be strong, but my heart is, and it was always yours." He ended, nodding his head before being forced back into his own body, both white animals gasping for breath from the experiance.

Rai righted himself, ready for Atra's judgement.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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He listened to Rais speech and as he finished he stood straighter and said "Atra I'm strong and I know I have a temper but that's only because I'm so drivin to have you as mine.... Only because I don't want to lose you it's hard for me to not be protected. I love you and you are more beautiful then any wolf if ever seen." he knew his speech wasn't as noble as the air wolf but it was honest all the same and deep he had ment every word he said.


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Rai turned his head and nodded towards Eli. He gave a tiny smile. "Well said." His helper spoke for him, twisting his head almost upside down. He gave a small hoot, and his face snapped back to where it was supposed to be.

The white wolf stretched, wings flaring, joints cracking. He could only hope that he wasn't getting rheumatism. Or pneumonia. He quickly ran through his head the different herbs that could deal with the slight aches he was experiencing. Perhaps poppy seeds or willow bark could dull the pain, and a peppermint balm could relax it away. What the wolf really needed was to get out of the rain, as his body was not strong enough to take the almost bone-chilling rain for too long.

But he would wait patiently until Atra had had her say. Even all night he would sit waiting to hear her speak. Shinraisei gave a semi-violent shiver, not willing to warm the air up for himself. But perhaps the others might.

The wolf concentrated hard, as the warm air was above the cold air in this rain. At first, there was no sign of his power, but then there was a huge gust of the higher warmer air aimed at Eli and Atra, hopefully warming them, but its master sat still in the cold, holding onto the warm wind for as long as he could.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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His eyes got big as a gust of warm air slid though his armor the only thing keeping him from being completly soaked. He nodded as the owl spoke to him but then turned his attention back to Atra.


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Atra stood tall as the warm air slid smoothy across her features. Her eyes faded to black as her body automatically rejected the warm air, causing her shadows to crawl in an angry circle at her feet. She smiled at Rai though, mentally thanking him for the attempt and drawing in her shadows as to not make his act of kindness any more difficult for him. Atra opened up her large wings behind her to let them dry a bit with the remaining glimmers of the heat. After she had waited a few moments, she sighed deeply and closed her wings.

"Suitors, males, wolves, both of you," she spared a moment to look at Eli and then Rai, "have a special place with me. I value both of you deeply, and this decision pains me to no end. I cannot bear to see either of you in pain, just as much as I cannot bear to have either of you leave me. So I hope that with my decision neither of you will leave anything else," the dark she-wolf said, glancing at Eli in particular. "But I have made you wait long enough. I will not run nor hide from this any longer. So please accept my decision, for if I do not choose you the fates simply did not wish it so."

Atra smiled, sadly but surely, and looked to Eli. "Dearest friend, you mean ever so much to me. You may never know how much I value you. But, alas, i fear we may never be more than friends. Your frightens me. And I do not easily fear. But if your anger was ever to be taken out on me, I know I could never stand against an armour wolf such as yourself. But I, of course, am not ruled by fear." she paused and squared her shoulders, causing her to seem much more regal in manner. "I feel you say you love me too soon. You have not spoken much to any other females in the pack, and you haven't even spoken to me all that much. Eli, dear friend, promise me this even if you hate me now." As Atra spoke her voice deepened, showing her true emotions. "Do not go to Banshee. Do not ask for death. I have spoken to my brother of the dark and he will not kill you, nor aid you in your quest. It would be wasteful to throw your life away. You could achieve so much. Eli, promise me." The dark wolf commanded this, it was not a question. She would not take no for an answer under any circumstance. She said this, knowing full well it was a lie. Even though Banshee had promised her she doubted he would pass up the chance to kill Eli. If Atra had been in Banshee's place, she knew what her decision would be.  

Atra silently prayed that Eli would not be angry with her, but she knew his temper and was ready to pounce on him if necessary to protect herself or Rai. Thinking of the white wolf Atra had chosen, she turned her head to spare a glance at him. Just his presence made her smile. Shaking herself for having such weak and male-dominated thoughts, Atra looked back to Eli. She hoped and prayed he would not go to Banshee.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr gave the slightest ruffling of his fur. His eyes gaze around, looking at all the other pack members that were in the clearing. He needed to speak with Vishu soon to ask what he saw in his future. The alpha remembered Siva's words perfectly at her wish for her pup to be a hunter. This wouldn't dictate his full decision and wanted Vishu to be in the perfect place that would help benefit the pack as a whole. Zorr started planning out some course to help show Vishu's true skills and lead both on the direct path to his true calling: warrior or hunter.

Zorr's eyes shifted over to look at Atra, Eli and Rai. He wondered if she had told them yet, as everything looked peaceful. This sprouted a seed of hope that Eli would take this without anger. A small smile curved along the contours of his muzzle. He looked at Atra and Rai, knowing that the falling summer would bring the demise to mating season in the blood of all the wolves. This would be a last week for either Atra or Rai to bring pups into the world until next year, although they would have to ask him for permission to bring pups forth. Zorr already knew his answer and a smile at the thought of pups roaming across Sera would be. 

Thor prodded at Zorr a few times to snap Zorr out of his trance. As Thor and Zorr created eye contact, the alpha gave a light-hearted snort and looked back. Thor arched his body and expanded his wings to full length before he started to pick at his feathers as his underfeathers were making him itch.



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His eyes looked at her his mind processed the words compleatly. He knew what she said and knew her choice but as she said it he took a step back "To early..?" his voice was soft unsure and he despertly tried to reason "But he hasn't known you for as long as I have or..." he trailed off and his body began to shake. He shook his head violently and then just looked back at her his eyes empty.


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Atra looked mournfully at Eli. "You dont really love me, I know this. I see your future, and it is bright indeed. You will find another, someone better, than I. I promise you this my friend." She spoke the words sadly, barely able to make eyes contact with the armour wolf. She had indeed lost her resolve in her choice. The dark female knew she had chosen correctly, for her heart told her this, but her mind knew she was hurting Eli. As much as Atra wanted to run from this, to not have to face these males, she knew she had to. Red eyes raised from the ground to look into the silver face of the armour wolf. "Eli, I am sorry." was all she said.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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He started walking backwards. He gave her one last look then at Rai and said "You just ruined my life." he whispered it then turned and ran into the trees. His heart pounding but each beat was painful and aching. His armor cutting though the rough bark on the trees. His eyes filled with pain.


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The white pup was a year and was beginnig to realize he would become a apprentice of some sort. Right now he was gazing at the sky the rain was sliding over his wet matted pelt. The patch of fur on his forehead darker more noticable now it was making a shape. Vishu was changing from a pup into a adult it was becoming noticable that he was hitting a growth spurt he wasn't as little or scrawny. His legs were longer and his paws were more proportional. His body had more muscle and was losing more and more of his baby fat as he played and ran. Inside he wanted someone to play with though he was quite lonley. Atra was to busy his mother was no fun and his helped was to little to play with . Dharma looked up at Vishu and said "Whats wrong friend?" he shook his head and said"I think I would like some more pups my age." he sighed and lay down the rain making him cold so he started walking towards the trees in the center of the pack.


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Zorr's eyes looked away, almost in awkwardness as he spotted the armor wolf flee. He assumed Atra had told him. The alpha stood up, wanting to chase after his pack member and help console the warrior. But, alas, Zorr knew it would bring more damage that helpful, since they weren't always on the right page with each other.

His gaze shifted as he spotted the white pup, noticing how much bigger he was. His birthday would be coming up shortly...wasn't it in less than 4 months. A small smile played across the alpha's muzzle, before Zorr nudged his helper who quickly hopped obediently on the fire wolf's shoulder.

Zorr sauntered over across the feild over to Siva's son. He stood up, still quite a difference in height from Zorr.

"Hello, young one." He said in a strong voice. He would have to dsiguise ways for the wolf to show off his talents. "Has your mother taught you how to hunt, yet?" He asked with a straight smile.



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His sharp hearing caught that Zorr was coming long before he heard his loud strong voice. He looked up to Zorr for he was still much taller then him "Well yea she has but not much since we moved here I haven't hunted much at all but when we were loners I hunted all the time so she has taught me a little but I learned a lot on my own." he smiled at Zorr glad they were talking.


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Atra's eyes, now red, followed Eli as he fled into the darkness. She didn't care anymore. If he was going to act like a child, and flee, she wouldn't chase him. She knew he would have to return eventually. A wolf needed to formally leave the pack, they could not simply walk off and Atra knew this fact well.

The dark she-wolf lifted her muzzle to the sky instead. It was a howl for Eli, simply telling him once more he would get nothing from Banshee. She returned her gaze to the ground and shut her maw, hoping she was right. Atra shook herself to try and get rid of more of the rain, and slowly walked over to Rai.

"Hello," she said with a weak smile. Atra sat on her haunches in front of him and looked at the air wolf's opaque eyes. "So that leaves me with you, Shinraisei. If you still want me, that is." The wolf bourne of darkness felt a sudden jolt through her body, an odd sensation indeed. She looked at the ground and breathed slowly, steadying herself. When she looked back to Rai, a small smile was on the black lips of the she-wolf. She was confident she had chosen correctly.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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He stopped as she heard her howl he didn't care he howled back he knew she was wrong. He continued running towards the dead trees of the burt forest.


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Zorr gave a gentle smile at the pup, noticing a strange birthmark taking place on his forehead. "Since the rain is letting up, I figured it would be good to have your hunting skills refreshed." He said, the slightest puffing of his chest occured as he spoke. "Would you like to take me up on that offer?" He asked. Zorr knew that his abilities allowed his to scent prey much easier.



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He smiled at the alpha and said "Yea of course." he looked around scenting and listening. He felt more movement in the ground and air towards the north more animals."Theres lots of animals in the northern part of the forest."


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Zorr lifted his head up, the crisp wind catching his fur and ruffling it up. "Ah, I can only get the faintest scent of them." He said, thrusting his muzzle forward to motion to Vishu. "Lead the way," He said, wondering if animals were to the north because they were resting before migrating. He was glad that Thor's species didn't migrate, that way the bird wouldn't be complaining about wishing to migrate with the others and follow his natural instincts rather than ignore them for the sake of his wolf.



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He said "Alright." he turned and ran towards the woods his ears hearing a loud scruffing sound he could feel the animal clawing at the ground. He nodded back to Zorr and flicked his tail in the right direction.


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A smile began to play on Rai's maw, growing bigger and bigger. He bowed his head, kneeling to the ground. After the long dip, he stood tall, neck arching and chest puffed out with pride. The white wolf was very much considering leaping into the air out of joy and excitement,but with a great strain of willpower, kept his emotions under control.

His tongue flicked out, licking the end of his new mate's nose. Shinraisei sank low, haunches up in the air as an invitation to play. True, he was three, and had the maturity of a six year old, but emotionally, he was a puppy again. He would have given a yip or whimper, but all he could do was wag his tail and flare his wings, scattering water droplets on Atra.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Zorr picked up his paws and followed after Vishu. He held a regal stance with long, proud strides with the personality to prove it. Zorr was stunned to see Vishu already hear the prey, tasting the air. He noticed a faint smell of prey but it was covered up by the rain mixing with the Earthy smells around him. "Is there prey around?" He asked, peering into the growing mist that was forming in this part of the forest.



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He slowed to a walk and said softly "Yea I can hear a herd of deer about a quarter mile that way.." he looked to the right and then said "Theres also a rabbit and a few little animals a running around... Wanna go for the rabbit?" he was glad for his element sensability wolves made excellent hunters for they're sense of touch, hearing, smell, sight, and taste was far greater. Since the rabbit wasn't far he walked forward a few feet then got close to the ground feeling the little rabbits movments though the soil he finally spotted it laying in the grass next to a tree about 4 feet away.


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Zorr caught a large waft of the creature's aroma, the rabbits were nearby. "Yes, that sounds good. A little snack might help." He said, not wanting to take down a deer for that wasn't his duty, it was the hunters. Plus, from the last hunt, they had a small amount of deer leftover. The large male crouched down, his reddish fur looked like fallen leaves against the ground. "Go ahead," He whispered to the pup.



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He crouched even lower and then shot out of the trees his speed was incredible then he pounced he landed over top the rabbit and the little thing made a move to leap to late. Vishus jaws came down crushing on it's back killing the creature. This had all taken just a moment the speed he had made the dash at was so fast the little rabbit finally had a chance to move when his paws had landed in a four corned cage around him and even then he never would have escaped Vishu was by far a excellent hunter and with his powers now it was even easier. He grabbed the animal and trotted to Zorr who waited a few feet away. He dropped it and said "Here you go." he smiled and sat down his white fur dry since the rain had stopped blew around him in a chilly breeze.


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Apollo + Artemis

Apollo lay down, long abandoning the deer carcass. He licked his lips and gazed at the love-struck white male. A growl built up in his throat. "Why is he the first to get a fae?" he grumbled, almost feeling sorry for himself. A whip-like tail in the back of the head was enough to shut him up as his sister lay down beside him.

"Well, he's not a bone-headed womanizer like you are. He took time to woo the female of his choosing." She chided, ears swiveled to the new mates. "I think it's kinda cute. Atra looks like she's from the wrong end of the tracks, and Shinraisei looks so sad, but now they're happy. I wish someone would do the same for me..."

The red-orange blazed wolf looked alarmingly at his sister. "What? Who'd want to woo a stubborn, thick-headed female? And even if they did, they'd have to go through me, Sis, and I'm not a pushover." He flashed her a toothy white grim before he got a paw in the face.

"Shut up."


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Zorr stayed silent as Vishu hunted the rabbit, watching his every move. He lifted himself up to stand once more when the pup returned with the rabbit dangling in his jaws. "Nice work, Vishu," He complimented, his tail forming a soft wag. "Why don't you give that to your mother, I'm sure she'll be proud of you." He suggested.



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He stood up and started to wag his tail "Okay!" he grabbed the rabbit and ran back to the pack and started looking for his mother.


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Apollo + Artemis
Apollo sniffled as he watched the youngling hunt with the alpha. "He's growing. Pretty soon, he'll be competition. Don't worry, Sis. I won't loose to a half-pint Casanova." He winked, getting another smack in the face. "Hey! Watch it! I'm gonna attract the ladies with this face! This is like, my pea**** tail!"

Artemis growled and got up, shaking herself off. Perhaps she would go exploring or something, but certainly wouldn't hang around her perv of a brother. Her midnight-blue tail swacked him across his grin and she was off.


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Atra chuckled to herself and gently pranced around Rai, waving her tail along the sides of his fur. She giggled like a pup and bit her new mate's tail lightly, then ran off into the forest. Atra was excited by this game, and as soon as she hit the line of trees she concealed herself in shadows to make it harder for Rai to find her. Each step lenghtened her distance from the white male, and for the first time in a long time, Atra smiled with happiness.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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Zorr gave a brisk nod of his head, watching the pup go before he turned and walked away. His nose gave a few twitches as he smelt another wolf nearby, following the scent. Zorr had spotted one of the pack's hunters, Artemis. "Hello," He called out to the blue female, "Enjoying the evening autumn breeze?" He asked casually, breaking the ice to start some sort of conversation. His tail swayed back and forth and recalled that the alpha had not spoken with the water wolf in quite some time.



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Rai turned his head towards the area Atra had left in. She was being so foolish. Even without his sight, he could still find her. By smell, perhaps, or by the air pressure. The white wolf bounded into the forest, increasing the pressure arround him, but not my much. Eveything in the dark of his mind became a little less fuzzy, and he 'saw' a wolf-outline beneath a few trees. He smiled, and convincingly acted like he didn't know where his mate was hiding, silently circling around the bushes and pouncing on her. Rai's wings flared, as to not land directly on her in fear of hurting her, and lowered him gently to the ground.

Shinraisei tilted his head, waiting for Atra to make her next move. Next time, he hoped that she wouldn't try to hide. Eyes could be fooled but not the inner senses.

Artemis swung her head in the direction of the Alpha. "Oh, Hello, Zorr. Didn't see you there. My brother and I were watching your hunting session with the pup. Did it go well?" she asked, tail swishing. "If you need any help...I am a hunter, you know. Perhaps I could train him if you want a rest?"


Kenpachiicon_zps68a071b1.gif I'm not done with these yet, but after I make my wolves, I can make yours, 1 PP for 5 wolves, if that sounds fair.


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Atra smiled and pounced on Rai, flipping him onto his back. She was suprised Rai had caught up to her so fast since she was running awfully quickly. Shaking her head she looked down at the opaque eyes of the air wolf. She giggle and laid her head on Rai's upturned chest. "Your pretty comfy," the wolf of dark said. Her tail swished playfully across Shinraisei's stomach and she made sure to place herself so she wouldn't hurt Rai's new wounds. Atra chuckled once more before sighing happily.


Zane/ Electric/ Alpha of Ronoh/ Demitri
Atra/ Dark/ Warrior of Sera/ Jace
Kurosutora "Kuro"/ Dark/ Pup of Sera/ Nieva
Calique/ Time/ Loner/ Tala
Haxik/ Air/ Loner/ Calix
Vergrandis "V" Unus/ PhysicLoner/ Hunnam

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