-You cannot create anything human-like with your element (Ex. Swords of rock, sleds of ice, etc)
-There are about 23 Elements (They will be shared in another board), if you have thought up a new element and would like to use it. Please PM or post on the suggestion board about your element, I may either accept it or decline it.
-Only Air, Soul, Light, Space, Anatomical and Hidden wolves may have wings and fly. (Shapeshifting can fly, just as long as they transform into a creature that can fly).
-Air wolves are the only wolves that can fly without wings
-Darkness wolves can have wings, but they cannot fly. They are like fallen angels, in a way.
-Your wolf will not have any powers until it recieves it's Helper. (Helpers will be explained in further detail on a different board).
-Your wolf will loose it's power if their Helper is dead, they may not gain it back.
-If you are a ghost, you do not need a helper. If you do have a helper, they are a ghost, and cannot be seen by any other animal. In other words, invisable to all except their wolf.
-To play a Hidden, Ghost, Psychic, Theif and Time wolf, you must message Evildragon to ask if you may play one. They are complicated and very rare.